Saturday, December 1, 2018


KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has “congratulated” Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik after it was decided that students must wear black-coloured socks with black shoes.
“This afternoon, after one-and-a-half months of research, our government officially announced that black-coloured socks must be matched with black school shoes.
“I congratulate the education minister for this glorious success,” Najib jokingly said in a Facebook post today.
Najib’s sarcastic remark comes after an official announcement that black-coloured socks will go with black shoes in government and government-aided schools.

It was reported that this new policy would be enforced in stages from next year but would only become compulsory from 2021.
This new directive was contained in a circular by Education Ministry director-general Amin Senin to all state education departments.
During this transitional stage, the circular said, students would still be allowed to wear white shoes and socks.
Schools were also instructed not to force students to change to black shoes during this period.
Amin was quoted as saying that parents were generally in favour of the change to black shoes and socks as white ones got dirty easily.
On Oct 15, Maszlee said the colour of socks for students would be decided after discussions with stakeholders were completed, and that the ministry would issue a statement once a decision was reached.
Najib had previously criticised Maszlee for being preoccupied with the colour of school shoes and socks.
“Our Education Minister is foresighted. I don’t understand why there are people who criticise him. The colour of shoes and socks are actually important in the development and formation of exemplary students,” he sarcastically said in a Facebook post on Oct 15.
He had jokingly said it was “unfortunate” that the previous Barisan Nasional ministers did not do any such research.
“I hope the ministers will even do research on the colour of the clothes and school buildings as well.
“Insya-Allah, our children will receive its full benefits and will be successful in the future,” he had said.
DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang had advised Maszlee to stop talking about socks and shoes to prevent himself from falling into Najib’s trap of projecting Maszlee as a mediocre minister with limited vision and objectives. – NST

Just talking, PM on report he ‘lectured’ Waytha and Maszlee

KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad today said he is satisfied with the performances of two federal ministers who had come under fire from the public over various issues.
“Yes, yes they are doing their best,” he said, commenting on a report that he had “lectured” both Minister in the Prime Minister P Waytha Moorthy and Education Minister Maszlee Malik over their handling of issues.
He pointed out that he had merely talked to them and not lectured them as claimed.
Earlier, it was reported that veteran newsman Datuk A Kadir Jasin said in his blog that the two leaders had been “lectured” by the prime minister.
Waytha was reportedly “advised” over his conduct in the Seafield Sri Maha Mariamman temple issue.
He said the latter’s actions with regard to the temple incidents did not help strengthen unity and national integration, which fall under his portfolio.
Kadir however said the prime minister is a kind-hearted person and even when he scold people, they might not realise it.
He added that his singling out of Waytha and Maszlee didn’t mean other ministers had succeeded.
Meanwhile, on another matter, Dr Mahathir, who is also Pakatan Harapan chairman, said it is too early for the coalition to decide on a candidate for Cameron Highlands parliamentary seat which fell vacant today after its MP Datuk C Sivarraajh was disqualified from the position.
“We have a lot of candidates. (So) we will find one,” he told the press after attending a dinner by the Malaysian Medical Association’s here today. He was presented with a lifetime achievement award at the function.
The Election Court here today declared Barisan Nasional’s victory in Cameron Highland as null and void.
Judge Datuk Azizah Nawawi held that corrupt practices had been proven to have been committed with the knowledge and consent of the respondent (Sivarraajh) in the election, namely giving of money to voters to induce them to vote for BN. – NST

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