Friday, November 30, 2018

Please Save Our Church Of Hope For The Hopeless

Then why not we just pay some Malays to demonstrate and burn cars in front of our church? Vincent Tan will then step in and set up a fund like what he is doing with the Seafield Hindu temple. And in just one day we will be able to collect RM35 million. In fact, Vincent Tan personally contributed RM500,000 and with the support of all the other Chinese tycoons they managed to collect tens of millions with the click of a finger. 

Raja Petra Kamarudin
So, what do you think we should do to save our church?
The problem is our church sits on private land so we need to solve our problem through commercial means.
Can’t we get the government to help?
There is nothing the government can do since the government does not own the land. We need to talk to the land owner.
Do we know how much the land costs?
The last time I did a valuation it came to about RM35 million.
So much?
Well, with Pakatan Harapan now in power and the economy doing so good, land prices have increased ten times in value in just six months. That is the problem with progress and a good economy. Things become very expensive.
Is that why prices have gone up even though the GST has been abolished?
Yes, and next year everything is going to go up even more as Malaysia’s economy overtakes Japan and Taiwan.
Wow! So if we do not buy the land now in the next few months the price may shoot up to RM50 million.
Or maybe even RM100 million as Malaysia becomes a world economic power.
But how do we find the RM35 million? We have hardly RM10,000 in the bank.
We can do crowdfunding. We can call the fund ‘the save our Church of Hope for the Hopeless fund’ or ‘Tabung Harapan’ for short.
No. I think that will be too slow. By the time we manage to collect RM35 million, which may take six months, the price of the land will increase to RM50 million. With Malaysia’s rapidly booming economy, land prices will double every year.
Then why not we just pay some Malays to demonstrate and burn cars in front of our church? Vincent Tan will then step in and set up a fund like what he is doing with the Seafield Hindu temple. And in just one day we will be able to collect RM35 million. In fact, Vincent Tan personally contributed RM500,000 and with the support of all the other Chinese tycoons they managed to collect tens of millions with the click of a finger.
That is sure ironical.
That Vincent Tan personally contributed RM500,000 to the Seafield Hindu temple fund?
No, that Chinese tycoons are donating tens of millions to a Hindu temple while the Indians just complain and get drunk in the Selangor Club without doing anything.

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