Sunday, November 18, 2018

'Some of us from Umno too, so don't sling s**t at the party'

PKR AGM | A PKR delegate slinging dirt at Umno by referring to it as a "shit party" has not sat well with party incumbent vice-president John Ot Ghani.
John said that as the ruling component party, PKR should act more maturely, as every word spoken by its leaders will be scrutinised.
He added that it was inappropriate for delegates to utter such words, especially as many of the party leaders themselves came from Umno.
"Don't let us say Umno is a shit party, those words should not come from the debater... it is not good for us... as (some) of use are also from Umno."
John was referring to the fiery speech made by Johor delegate Md Ysahrudin Kusni during the party's 13th national congress yesterday, during which the latter cautioned against the acceptance of former Umno members into PKR.
“Quoting (Umno deputy president Mohamad Hasan) Tok Mat’s comments that there are a lot of flies are leaving the party shows that Umno is a shit party.
“Please don't allow PKR turn into a shit party like Umno," Ysahrudin reportedly said.
John was a senator from Sabah elected by Umno during the previous BN administration.
On a separate matter, John today voiced out his disappointment that no PKR representatives from the state had been picked into the Pakatan Harapan government cabinet.
He urged president-elect Anwar Ibrahim to review the matter when the latter assumes the prime ministership in the future. - Mkini

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