Friday, November 30, 2018

There will be no untoward incidents at anti-Icerd rally, assures Hadi

PAS president Hadi Abdul Awang has assured that the anti-Icerd (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) gathering in Kuala Lumpur on Dec 8 will not witness untoward incidents.
He added that the Islamist party is prepared to work with the police to ensure this.
The Marang MP said he expected a huge turnout for the gathering, which would be held at Dataran Merdeka.
“We will control (the gathering) so that there are no untoward incidents or provocations.
“I guarantee this and we will cooperate with the police. We will discuss with the police, talk to them to control, Insya Allah (God willing),” he was quoted as saying by Harakah Daily.
Hadi said PAS had decided to proceed with the gathering despite Putrajaya stating it would not ratify the convention because of its political stand.
Furthermore, he added that there are still ministers who are making statements that the ratification should be deferred and so forth.
“I have made a stand, spoke about it in Parliament and the prime minister (Dr Mahathir Mohamad) also made a statement that it is 'impossible'. When impossible, it means no (ratification).
“So if ministers make statements (suggesting otherwise), this means wanting to override the prime minister.
“... Since the (federal) government is in a state of confusion, this must be stressed... if ministers do not respect the prime minister, we have to show... Show the strength of Muslims..,” he added.
Yesterday, Kelantan Mufti Mohamad Shukri Mohamad said the gathering should be called off given the current tension.
He said the gathering is not required because the government has decided not to ratify Icerd. - Mkini

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