Sunday, November 18, 2018

Why no graft charges against other BN leaders, asks Umno man

An Umno division chief says the current government has spared other leaders from the BN coalition. (Bernama pic)
PETALING JAYA: A former Umno Supreme Council member has accused the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) of deliberately targeting only Umno, in bringing to court former government leaders to face charges of corruption.
Puad Zarkashi said this was part of a game plan by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to destroy Umno.
“Tun M ordered this,” Puad, who heads Umno Batu Pahat in Johor, wrote on his Facebook today.
“Tun M only wants to destroy Umno and has asked them (from Umno) to join PPBM to save PPBM,” he said.
He said the prime minister did not think MCA, MIC and Gerakan, who were part of the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government, were a threat.
“There are only three MPs left from the three parties, and it’s not like they can be brought into PPBM’s fold,” he said, in reference to PPBM’s Bumiputera-only membership requirement.
He said it would not be “that difficult” for MACC to come up with corruption charges against leaders from parties other than Umno.
“How come not one charge is made up for them? Why only Umno?”
Puad, on the other hand, said Mahathir still considers Umno a threat, and “is angry because Umno grassroots are not shaking”. -FMT

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