Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Bullying Case In Penang Free School, Maszlee Sells Ice Cream 'Inovatif'

Here is a video that has gone viral. A father is complaining that his son (who goes to the Penang Free School) has been bullied by some rascals. 

The father's many complaints to the school and the Police have not yielded any results.  

What makes me want to blog this are those injuries to the boys back. He has suffered a severe beating.  This is no more bullying. This is physical assault.  This is a Police case. / This is part of the general failure of the education system.

There is no need for any more jawatankuasa, advisory panel, master plan etc. Just take action.  

School bullies are very, very few. It will do the society a great amount of good if school bullies are severely disciplined. 

Part 2. Penang Free School indian student severely hit and bullied case. More shocking details from the students father Mr.Vela. 7 times reported to school management and discipline teacher but no action taken. Now try to cover up the issue !!!

Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia you say any bully case report directly to school and they will take action immediately BUT here totally different ! Please look at this issue seriously Dr Maszlee Malik

OSTB :  But our jihadi salafi Minister has other thoughts on his mind.  He wants people to create their own jobs - like selling ice cream. 

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