Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Fantastic Start To New Year - US China Trade War Ends

presidents of China / US exchanged messages vowing to boost cooperation 
Trump has cancelled latest planned tariff hike 
and on Sat reported “big progress” after call with Xi Jinping

In Dec China resumed buying US soybeans
Beijing announced suspending extra tariffs on US cars starting Jan 1

US and China imposed tit-for-tat tariffs on > US$300 b trade last year
conflict that began to eat into profits, stock market plunges
Trump initiated trade war because of unfair Chinese trade practices 

two leaders agreed on truce during G20 in Buenos Aires
signs of progress — absence of new threats from Trump

In message on Tues, Xi underlined importance of working with US 
to advance China-US relations, cooperation, Xinhua reported

Trump praised four decades of diplomacy between China and US
hailing his “solid friendship” with  Chinese leader

My comments :  Its over folks - the trade war between the US and China. 

With oil prices crashing (which is so good for the entire world economy) and this US China trade war over, the markets should pick up again. 

There may be a stock market run between now until Chinese New Year. I hope the bulls will really charge.  Lets keep our fingers crossed (in a halal way).

The Dow Jones is already at fantastic levels (New York Stock Exchange). 

The Dow hit an unbelievable (almost) 27,000 just three months ago in October 2018. It went down to 21,792 one day before Christmas. Then there was a correction and the Dow hit 23,062 on Dec 28th.  The Wall Street guys already sniffed out the thaw between Trump and China.  

This is a very good start to the New Year folks. This is another good thing. I hope Asia and Malaysia will also feel the positive effects.

p.s. The Deep State will be more angry with Donald Trump. 

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