Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Anwar to expose details on 'Hadi paid Sarawak Report' tonight

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim has reiterated his allegation that PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang paid more than RM1 million to Sarawak Report to settle his civil suit against the website.
Claiming to possess credible information on the matter, he vowed to reveal more during an event in Semenyih tonight.
"I have enough information to prove that PAS paid (Sarawak Report editor) Clare Rewcastle Brown.
"I will explain this in detail in Semenyih," he told reporters in Kuala Lumpur.
Yesterday, PAS denied that Hadi paid the sum as part of an out-of-court settlement earlier this month.
Hadi had sued Rewcastle Brown in London over a 2016 Sarawak Report article claiming that then-prime minister Najib Abdul Razak channelled RM90 million to top PAS leaders in a bid for support ahead of the 14th general election.

On Feb 13, the PAS president said both Sarawak Report and him agreed to settle the suit and keep the conditions confidential.
“If she (Rewcastle Brown) wants to reveal (the confidential conditions), it is up to her. I have not done so,” he added.
Contacted by Malaysiakini, Rewcastle Brown declined to comment on the claim that Hadi had paid her the sum.
[More to follow] - Mkini

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