Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Saleswoman loses over RM3,700 in accident scam

KUALA LUMPUR: A 32-year-old saleswoman lost more than RM3,700 after she was scammed by motorcyclists claiming that she had been involved in an accident with them.
Wong had said was headed out for a meeting last Friday morning from Jalan Sultan Ismail towards MidValley along Jalan Kuching when she heard a thud at around 10am on Feb 22.
"I continued driving and when I stopped at a traffic jam, a motorcyclist waved at me and gestured that I had hit him.
"The man introduced himself as Jay Lim and suggested we settle the issue and demanded RM1,000 from me for after contacting a repairman," she told reporters at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department here on Wednesday (Feb 27).
She said the motorcyclist then told her that he was going to report the incident as "work-related" so that he could claim Socso compensation and requested me to pretend to be his cousin.
"He promised that he would give me a refund when the claims were approved. I also received a message from a woman on WhatsApp claiming to be an accounts clerk from the motorcyclist's company to pass me the bank account details," she said, adding that she finally transferred the RM1,000 to the account.
She added that she was later contacted by the motorcyclist claiming that his medical fees had reached RM670 and that the cost of repairing the damage to his motorcycle cost RM2,450 and he therefore required a further RM1,450 from her.
"I banked in the cash in two transactions and then he contacted me again claiming that he needed another RM878 and RM300 banked in two separate bank accounts.
"I felt something fishy was going on and refused to answer his calls after this and I received a message asking for RM3,078," she said.
Wong added that when she refused, the motorcyclist and another person started threatening to make the incident viral on social media and news.
Meanwhile, MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Seri Michael Chong said he had received three other similar reports.
"Motorists should be aware that in case of any accident, they should go to the nearest police station and lodge a police report.
"Do not fall for such scams. If they are asking for compensation, tell them that once a police report is lodged, compensation claims would be dealt with by the respective insurance companies," he said.- Star

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