Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Unbelievable News : Nasaruddin Mat Isa Appointed To MACC Anti Corruption Panel, Malaysian Flying Car To Debut This Year

These two news stories are too ridiculous.  The first one here says Nasaruddin Mat Isa has been appointed to the MACC's Panel Penasihat Pencegah Rasuah. This is exactly the same Panel where I was a member for four years.

Nasarudin Mat Isa? Isnt this the same guy whose name appeared all over social media and other media in relation to Clare Rewcastle Brown's expose about that RM90  million?  And the guy who went to town about this was none other than Rafizi Ramli.

And now he has been appointed to the MACC as an Advisor??


Dark humour? 

Here is story number two. This one is even more unbelievable. 

In the Cabinet now we have Maszlee Malik, then we have Khalid Samad. These are the entertainers, the clowns. Causing huge damage to the country.

Ok folks here is Redzuan Yusof the Minister of Entrepreneur Development or something.

M''sia’s first flying car driven by local tech, says Minister Redzuan Md Yusof
He said prototype available, to be unveiled this year
This year realistic, we have the technology

It is all about speed of implementation,” he told reporters 
He said car would be safe, fly low altitude, reasonable speed
Investment to build prototype slightly over RM1m, he said.

Redzuan said flying car a way for govt to stimulate thinking 
We are providing catalyst, ecosystem to stimulate people to think beyond 

He said project also utilised aerospace, drone, (UAV), automotive sector

Malaysia has skill set to excel 
we need to use our skill set 
because bottom line is we want to be a producing nation,” he said.

he said the project is separate from third national car 

— Bernama

My comments :  

Siapa nama inventor genius ini?
Atau nama syarikat yang terlibat?
Kenala pula Menteri perlu announce? 

Brader Redzuan aku nak tanya satu soalan saja. 
Duit RM SATU JUTA itu duit kerajaan lah, duit kami, duit rakyat? 
Taxpayers funds lah? It has to be.  Betul tak?

Brader Redzuan, for THIRTY YEARS we spent billions of Ringgit and WE FAILED to build a non-flying car.  Its is called Proton.  At last the Chinese [the good Chinese from China, not the bad Chinese from Malaysia] bought Proton - I hear for almost free.

Now you are saying that for just ONE MILLION Ringgit you can produce a flying car by the end of this year? That is just TEN MONTHS away. Hang lagi terror dari Tun Dr Mahathir ke? 

Brader Redzuan saya nak tanya sikit lagi. Flying car ini nak landing di mana brader? Katakanlah driver itu nak pi shopping di Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, tetapi your colleague Khalid Samad al dunggu besar Alam Shah wants to close Jalan TAR. Habis flying car ini nak landing di mana?

So someone is going to get SATU JUTA  DUIT BUTA.

Looks like nothing much has changed.  

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