Saturday, March 30, 2019

Certain matters in CEP report can’t be revealed as still under discussion, says PM

Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
LANGKAWI: There are matters in the Council of Eminent Persons (CEP) report that are still under deliberation.
Therefore, they cannot be revealed until a decision is made, said Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
He said he was aware the government will be accused of being not transparent as a result of this stand but said his side needed some time before it could make a followup decision on the matter, Bernama reported.
He spoke to reporters after attending the silver jubilee celebrations for Permodalan Kedah Bhd (PKB) and officiating Hotel Adya Chenang here.
Mahathir was asked to comment on requests by certain quarters to reveal what was contained in the CEP report, which has now being classified as being under the Official Secrets Act 1972.
Earlier, CEP chairman Daim Zainuddin said he backs the release of the report but admitted he did not have the final say in the matter.
“I was asked to chair the meetings and get the information, facts, analyse and make the recommendations. That is my role and I shouldn’t go beyond that,” the former finance minister told The Star.
Daim said he would like to share the report, which contains recommendations by the council, so it could be debated.
He said that feedback from the rakyat was vital as the council – set up to advise the government during the initial stage of its formation – was meant to resolve their problems.
“But there is information in the report that rightly is under the Official Secrets Act,” the daily quoted him as saying.
Two days ago, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mohamed Hanipa Maidin told the Dewan Rakyat that the report would remain under the OSA as it contains confidential information. - FMT

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