Saturday, March 30, 2019

Why Did India Deny Dr Mahathir's Flight Plan To Pakistan?

Something strange happened recently. PM Dr Mahathir visited India and then  Pakistan.  Dr Mahathir flew to Pakistan from India. But the Indians had cancelled the flight plan for Dr Mahathir's plane to fly directly from India into Pakistan.

India and Pakistan most recently had a shooting conflict where the Indian Airforce carried out airstrikes against terrorist camps inside Pakistani territory. The Pakistanis retaliated with an unsuccessful bombing attack against India where Pakistan lost an F16 jet and an Indian MIG21 was also shot down.  Ever since then both Pakistan and India have closed the air corridors between their two countries.

The Indians say that since Pakistan has closed their airspace to any flights approaching directly from India they could not approve Dr Mahathir's flight plan directly into Pakistan. It could have been potentially risky.  What if the Pakistanis had shot missiles?

On the other hand the Indians could or should have informed Dr Mahathir's flight team way BEFORE the flight that they will not be allowed to fly direct to Islamabad from New Delhi.  The appropriate flight corrections or arrangements could have been made much earlier.  Not at the last minute. Dr Mahathir's flight would have had to fill up sufficient fuel to make the detour. 

Here is the news from The Coverage and a few more comments :

Indian administration denied Dr M  right to fly over India to Pakistan 
permission was withdrawn at last minute
forcing Dr M to take much longer route over Arabian Sea 
and cruise as far as Oman before turning to Islamabad
retired Pakistani diplomat said such development very rare 

between countries not engaged in hostilities against each other

incident is “fairly rare” as India and Malaysia have history of friendly 
bilateral trade US$10 billion,  to take it to US$25 billion by 2020

One possible reason is Dr M's “preference” to Pakistan over India
Elizabeth Roche wrote bilateral ties under Dr M far from satisfactory 
mainly due to perceived tilt towards India’s arch rival Pakistan

Malaysia is home to over 1.7 million Hindus of Indian origin 
PM Mahathir himself is of Indian origin
His grandfather, Iskandar, brought to Malaya in late 1870s 
by British East India Company from Kerala 
to Kedah royal palace as an English language tutor

My comments :  Dr Mahathir did announce an RM3.66 BILLION  !!! investment package in Pakistan. 

Reuters - March 21, 2019 
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is set to sign deals worth US$900 million in telecoms, information technology during a three-day visit by Malaysian Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, a senior official said on Thursday.

US900 million x RM4.07 =  RM3.66 BILLION !!  

I assume these "Malaysian investors" are primarily the GLCs.  
Meaning it is taxpayers money.

(Because I dont think anyone in their right mind would bet THEIR OWN MONEY in a Allah forsaken country like Pakistan. Pakistan is a perfect example of what Donald Trump calls a sh_t hole Third World country.)

Why invest so much of our money - RM3.66 Billion - in Pakistan? 
How many jobs will it create for Malaysians? 
Does Pakistan even allow foreign expats to work there? 
Will Pakistan even issue Work Permits for Malaysians to work in Pakistan? 

Instead if we invested that RM3.6 Billion in Malaysia, say in factories and industries here, it will create thousands of jobs for Malaysians. So why go and invest taxpayers money in Pakistan? 

We already have a national debt of RM1.0 TRILLION !!! 
Then we just borrowed RM7.4 Billion  from Japan !!

Now you and I have to pay taxes so that the government can pay back all these debts.
But why take my money and give it to Pakistan?

Kenapa pula kera di hutan disusukan padahal anak sendiri masih kebuluran?

Anyway I believe that India is very much aware of Malaysia's tilt towards Pakistan.  And the Indians are not too happy about this either.

Then there is also the issue of Zakir Naik - which is becoming more contentious between India and Malaysia. Zakir Naik is a fugitive from Indian law. 

Zakir Naik is embroiled in radical religion in India. 
In Malaysia too we have religious preachers who have radical views on religion. 
Our Special Branch keeps a close eye on them.  These people are security threats.

Zakir Naik has gone a step further and broken the law in India.
They want him for money laundering.

Have we forgotten that our former prime minister has also been charged in Court with money laundering, among other things? 

We have charged our own ex PM in Court for money laundering but when it comes to Zakir Naik's money laundering we have told the Indians 'Zakir Naik has not broken any laws in Malaysia' !!  What the . . .

So this has also created some sourness between Malaysia and India.

Then there are also THREE other Malaysian individuals who are 'WANTED' by India.

The first is our billionaire Tan Sri and his right hand man who have been charged with corruption in India. You can read about it here.  I think the Indians have issued some warrants.   I believe they did not turn up for any appointments.

Please note that that news report is dated 20 July, 2018.  
The PH won the elections two months earlier on May 5th, 2018.
India also has a case outstanding against our low budget airline operator. 
You can read about that here and  here.  
Indian Police want him to report to the Central Bureau of Investigations.

He did not turn up for the appointment either.

Talk is that our government is in no great hurry to assist the Indians with these cases.

So these cases are also a sour point in the relations between Malaysia and India.

I am not a great admirer of India or the Indian government. 
Neither am I even a small admirer of Pakistan or the Pakistani government.

But without a doubt India is a mega country.  
They are a sizeable economic power. 
In technology the Indians are giants.
And geographically they can prevent our flights over their airspace.

To ignore the Indians (or the Chinese, or the Indonesians) is just not very clever.

Indeed (as the comment said) India buys a lot of our palm oil. 
More than FOUR MILLION tonnes every year ie about 18% of our exports.
Malaysia's total exports of palm oil are about 23 million tonnes.

Indonesian palm oil production is increasing by leaps and bounds. 
Indonesia exports over 25 MILLION tonnes of palm oil a year.

We should bear all these in mind.

Which is more important?   One dirty Indian psycho preacher or peaceful relations with a nation of 1.3 billion people?

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