Wednesday, May 1, 2019

PM: Tell the truth even if Sedition Act hangs over you

KUALA LUMPUR: There is nothing to worry about if you tell the truth and get probed for sedition as it does not mean there will be prosecution, says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
"The police is here to protect us," said Dr Mahathir when commenting on the action by the police to investigate the panellists of the recent Rome Statute forum last week for allegedly being seditious. 
"A sedition probe does not mean that an investigation will end up prosecuting people.
"We must find out if there is an attempt to stir up trouble or not.
He was speaking to the media after opening the Al-Sharq Youth Annual Conference 2019 here on Wednesday (May 1) which addresses the issues of the media and the future.- Star

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