Monday, April 1, 2019

The Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights and the Independent State of Gaza

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The MIddle East has not stopped its rock and roll.  There are diverse problems that are continuing to tear the Middle East apart. There is more turmoil ahead on the horizon.

Among the Middle East's major problems are  :

1. That is where the Arabs live (Just kidding.)
2. They have their religion wrong. Major disaster. (Not kidding at all.)
3.  Except for Tunisia and Lebanon, there are NO legitimate governments in the Middle East. Maybe the Lebanese government has legitimacy but they do not govern. (This is perhaps the biggest problem in the Middle East - no legitimacy).

All other issues can be overcome. Here is some more news from the Middle East.


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said 
Trump will allow Israel to annex portions of West Bank 
split Gaza from West Bank, become a state on its own
US will give Gaza a state so that Hamas can play there
US decision is to destroy Arab Peace Plan 

Abbas spoke in advance of anticipated Trump's “Plan of the Century” 
to resolve Arab-Israeli-Palestinian conflict

historic decision by Trump to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights
declaration on Golan spark speculation Trump support annexation of West Bank

by recognizing Israel’s Golan annexation
Trump helping Netanyahu get re-elected
will help right-wing annex West Bank

Israel withdrew from Gaza and Sinai 
annexed east Jerusalem and Golan
maintained military control over West Bank

My comments :  After occupying the West Bank and Gaza for 38 years, Israel handed over the Gaza and the West Bank to the Palestinians in 2005.  Here is some history:
  • The Israeli disengagement from Gaza (in the Disengagement Plan Implementation Law), also known as "Gaza expulsion" was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from inside the Gaza Strip, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005.
  • The disengagement was enacted in August 2005. 
  • Israeli settlers who refused to accept Israeli government compensation packages and voluntarily vacate their homes (in the occupied territories) prior to the August 15, 2005 deadline, were evicted by Israeli security forces over a period of several days.
  • The eviction of all Israeli settlers, demolition of the residential buildings and evacuation of associated security personnel from the Gaza Strip was completed by September 12, 2005.
  • The eviction and dismantlement of the four settlements in the northern West Bank was completed ten days later. 
  • A total of 8,000 Jewish settlers from all 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip were relocated. 

Quite obviously, Israel has used the occupied territories as bargaining chips for peace.  

The main differences now are the presence of Hamas in Gaza (and Hezbollah in Lebanon).  Hamas is the local chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

The Muslim Brotherhood now has very few places  where it can get support -  Hamas, Malaysia, Qatar, Turkey and maybe Brunei Darussalam.

Although Hamas claims to fight for the Palestinians it helps to legitimise the existence of the Muslim Brotherhood - which has been banned as a terrorist organisation in so many Arab countries, including Egypt its home base.  Hence Hamas is a very important symbol for the existence and the legitimacy of the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Israel handed over the West Bank and Gaza in 2005. The Muslim Brotherhood promptly took over Gaza (and even the West Bank for a time).  

The last time parliamentary elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza was in 2006 (?) and that too was a cantankerous affair. Not everyone got to vote. 

13 years have passed and there have been no more parliamentary elections. Both Fatah (West Bank) and Hamas 'DO NOT HAVE LEGITIMACY'. And neither side is really unhappy if there are no elections. 

A suggestion by Trump's son in law was that Gaza be returned to Egypt. Gaza was under Egyptian rule until the Israeli invasion in 1967.  Abbas' saying that Trump wants to make Gaza an independent State maybe just  disinformation.

The annexation of the Golan Heights by Israel (which is illegal and not recognised by international law) will possibly be used as a bargaining chip for peace negotiations as well - this time with Syria.

The annexation comes at a time when Bashar Assad seems to have won the Civil War in Syria and Iran has permanently stationed its troops in Syria. 

My view is the Israelis never wanted Bashar Assad to be killed, overthrown or to lose the Civil War.  The Israelis prefer the secular Assad regime over only-satan-knows what other regime that may pop up in Syria. They may also be looking at a post-Bashar Syria which may become even more secular and easier to deal with. 

Just like the Sinai (handed back to Egypt in exchange for peace), the West Bank and Gaza (handed over in 2005 for less than peace) the Golan may be handed back to Syria for a peace treaty. The Iranians will have to leave the country as well. 

The Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty in 1978 has certain conditions. 
Egypt cannot move troops and tanks east of the Suez Canal into the Sinai. 
No Egyptian combat aircraft are allowed in the Sinai. 
Egyptian Navy vessels cannot sail past Sharm El Sheikh to the Gulf of Aqaba. 
A US Navy base at Sharm El Sheikh has been establsihed to monitor the Gulf of Aqaba. 

The major adversaries in the Middle East now are the Israelis, the Iranians / Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Muslim Brotherhood. There is a sideshow developing between the Turks and the Kurds.

Hezbollah has been created by Syria / Iran.  Both Assad and the Ayatollahs need Hezbollah and the Palestinian conflict to justify their own claims to 'legitimacy'. 

Every once in a while, a war helps to boost their claims. All they have to do is survive the war.

Or just become democratic. It is the much cheaper and easier option. 

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