Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Yoursay: ‘We should stand with Dr M to defend our constitution’

BTN: PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad (TDM) should not resign as we have a new Malaysia because of him.
We may have Pakatan Harapan but without TDM to clean up the fractured government agencies for us, Harapan existence is of no use.
TDM, please soldier on and whether we win or lose, it does not matter. What we need to continue to do is for you to put everything back in order for the future generations of this country.
Cogito Ergo Sum: It is time for Mahathir to put his foot down. Stepping down is not an option. Harapan needs a strong person now more than ever before to take it back on its true course.
Harapan will crumble from within if TDM leaves.
At the same time, TDM and the rest of the pack have to start thinking like Bangsa Malaysia. Those who need help must be helped, irrespective of race or religion.
Mahathir needs the support of all Malaysians to help get this once prosperous nation back on track.
Abasir: Newly-minted Johor MB Sahruddin Jamal should be forced to quit by Bersatu for insubordination.
And Bersatu president and Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin should go on medical leave because he is simply incapable of standing up against those who mocked his party chairperson.
Harapan has lost what little respect it had among the people for having stood by helpless and hopeless as the palace intrigue ran its course.
Blumountains: Sahruddin, after being directed not to change the exco line-up, had betrayed Tun M after consulting Muhyiddin. Therefore, is Sahruddin still fit to hold on to the MB’s post?
Mission Accomplished: Mahathir is on a mission - if he succeeds, history is made. Let all true Malaysians stand by our man.
We contribute so little (just our support), compared to what he is undertaking (to slay the dragon).
Looking On: Yes, Mahathir is still our best hope in the murky waters of our politics.
He is the only one with the conviction, backed by guts, to steer us out of issues mired by royalty and race, but the journey is hard because it is blocked by tremendous institutionalised obstacles in its path.
We need to support him.
Anonymous 2847620284: I agree. All Malaysians should stand with our prime minister to defend our constitution.
Mahathir has spoken forcibly on the matter. But where are his ministers? Why are they silent? Or is it because they lack calibre to argue in defence of our constitution?
Vgeorgemy: People of Johor rejected the call from the palace to snub Harapan in GE14 but the members of Johor Bersatu betrayed the rakyat's political aspiration by surrendering people’s power to non-people’s power. It is indeed a sad day.
Warrant Addict: Thanks to Youth and Sports Minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman (for convincing Dr M not to resign) - without this Bathtub Boy, we would have lost Atok!
Anonymous Malaysia2018: In any democratic nation in the world, the rule of law applies to all people in it. No one is above the law; everybody is under the law.
In a democratic nation, elections are held every five years. The voters decide which party should govern each state and the nation as a whole.
The constitution states very clearly that the leader who commands the majority support becomes the PM, CM or MB as the case can be. That is the rule of law.
The PM, CM, or MB will have to step down once he (or she) loses the support of the majority of MPs (in the case of the nation) or state assembly members (in the case of the states). There are no ifs and buts.
All parties must accept the decision of the legislators. This is the practice of all democracies. No pressure should be brought upon the PM, CM or MB to do otherwise.
Regrettably, the military may use guns to take over the government. That is foul play in simple terms. The military has no business in overthrowing a duly-elected leader.
The duty of the military is to defend the nation; and in fact, defend the PM, not to overthrow him.
Odysseus: A short and precise statement by Mahathir. This is easily understood, except for people who choose to make their own interpretation for their own interests.
We should move on and not bogged down with this constitutional issue which cropped up when Harapan is in power. Strangely, no one questions it for the past 60 years.
So, let's move forward with our constitution which clearly states rulers are constitutional monarchies and not absolute ones.
Leon Moch: I have read the Johor state constitution (amended up to 2008) and indeed large parts of the original 1895 provisions were deleted and new provisions inserted when Johor joined the Federation of Malaya.
If this is the meaning of original constitution nullified by the amended constitution, then Mahathir is correct.
Clever Voter: The constitution is made known to all. It represents the basis for the current parliamentary democracy. Although the system is never perfect with many flaws including electoral delineation, it works.
But we need to careful of wrong advice, including from the four academics, who have other agenda in mind. It's strange how people tend to forget the basics deliberately.
My2cen: I believe when Malaysia was formed, the federal constitution superseded the state constitution. Therefore, in matters where there's overlap, the federal constitution should take precedent.
As for the small band of 'army' in the House of Temenggong, its power and use of firearms were clipped during the constitutional crisis of 1992/1993, so it functions only as bodyguards for the royal family.
Nevertheless, the 'small chief' has tried to revive some sort of prominence during the last regime, including special 'elite' training with the army, etc. It will be interesting to know who pays their salary - maybe TDM can enlighten us. - Mkini

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