Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Kit Siang Hangat-Hangat Tahi Ayam

Now let me guess. Just like in the recent aborted debate with Najib, Kit Siang did not realise that his move to set up the RCI to investigate the so-called 28th July 2015 “Week of the Long Knives Operation” is going to blow up in his face. And, also, let me guess, Kit Siang is going to hangat-hangat tahi ayam and drop this one as well just like he has dropped all the others over the last 50 years?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Lim Kit Siang is what the Malays would call “hot-hot chicken shit” or “hangat-hangat tahi ayam”. This means someone who starts something and then walks away without ending or completing what he or she started.
Today, for example, Kit Siang started a new fight with Najib Tun Razak (READ HERE: Kit Siang debates Najib again after calling off earlier debate). Even before Kit Siang can settle his earlier quarrels with Najib he goes and starts a new quarrel.
For sure Kit Siang is going to walk away from this quarrel halfway as well.
If you read what Kit Siang said in the news item above (Kit Siang debates Najib again after calling off earlier debate), he makes it sound like Najib broke the law or violated democracy. In fact, two days ago, Kit Siang asked for a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to be set up to investigate the 28th July 2015 “incident”, which Kit Siang called “Week of the Long Knives Operation”.

Kit Siang started a fight with Najib and then walked away and today he started another one

Kit Siang is opening a Pandora’s Box just like his challenge to Najib to debate the “Global Kleptocracy” subject, which he later called off when he realised he had made a mistake and was going to “die standing” if the debate went on.
Okay, so Kit Siang wants an RCI set up to investigate what he calls “Week of the Long Knives Operation”. Does he know what is going to happen if the RCI is set up and they look into the 28th July 2015 “incident”?
First, they are going to discover the secret meeting a certain “Tan Sri” member of the MACC had with Clare Rewcastle Brown of Sarawak Report at Hyde Park in London — where RAHSIA documents were handed to her. Clare, in fact, lodged a police report with the London Metro Police confirming this meeting, which she wrote about in Sarawak Report.
This is a crime under Malaysia’s Official Secrets Act (and UK’s Official Secrets Act as well). So some people are going to end up in jail and it will not be Najib.
Then they are going to discover that the Attorney-General leaked documents (so-called “charge sheet”) regarding what they claim are Najib’s “impending arrest”. It seems, if Najib did not resign as Prime Minister on 29th July 2015, they were going to arrest him and charge him for stealing RM42 billion of 1MDB’s money.
(They later claimed the papers were forgeries after first claiming they were legitimate).

This is the “Week of the Long Knives Operation” that Kit Siang is bitching about

Hence the 28th July 2015 “Week of the Long Knives Operation” that Kit Siang is talking about was a pre-emptive strike by Najib a day earlier to thwart the move to oust him by threatening and blackmailing him with arrest.

So, yes, threats and blackmail were used to try to oust Najib. But Najib was smart. He moved first and nipped the coup in the bud a day earlier. And this is the 28th July 2015 “Week of the Long Knives Operation” that Kit Siang is bitching about and which he wants investigated.
Okay, what else is Kit Siang’s RCI on “Week of the Long Knives Operation” going to discover?
They are going to discover that 1MDB’s IPO was sabotaged by Bank Negara Malaysia. 1MDB was doing fine until Bank Negara sabotaged its IPO. And who was behind Bank Negara at that time, the Governor and the Puppet Master behind the scenes?

Kit Siang’s RCI on “Week of the Long Knives Operation” is going to discover that Bank Negara sabotaged 1MDB

Even more damaging would be that Kit Siang’s RCI on “Week of the Long Knives Operation” is going to discover that the Special Task Force that was set up to investigate 1MDB back in early 2015 was illegal.
The Cabinet was not informed about the Special Task Force or approved it, as should have been done. Hence it was a clandestine operation to bring down a democratically elected prime minister by ignoring the Cabinet and bypassing Parliament.
So, Kit Siang, bring it on! Set up your RCI to investigate the “Week of the Long Knives Operation”. Let the RCI discover all the criminal acts committed in July 2015. And it will not be Najib who will be going to jail.
Now let me guess. Just like in the recent aborted debate with Najib, Kit Siang did not realise that his move to set up the RCI to investigate the so-called 28th July 2015 “Week of the Long Knives Operation” is going to blow up in his face. And, also, let me guess, Kit Siang is going to hangat-hangat tahi ayam and drop this one as well just like he has dropped all the others over the last 50 years?

Kit Siang has asked for RCIs to be set up for so many scandals and then drops the issue later and senyap

Yes, Kit Siang has a history of starting a fight and then walking away. More than 40 years ago, in the mid-1970s, Kit Siang accused EXXON of secretly siphoning out and stealing oil from Terengganu. He almost went to jail for that. After that, what happened? Senyap!
Then he went to court to challenge Umno, UEM, Hati Budi and the PLUS highway. After that, senyap!
And the list goes on. BMF, Memali, Perwaja, Maminco, Operasi Lalang, PKFZ, MAS, Bank Negara forex scandal, etc. Kit Siang has been barking about all these issues and demanded that RCIs be set up for each one. Today, senyap!
And now Kit Siang wants an RCI to be set up to investigate the 28th July 2015 “Week of the Long Knives Operation”. Tomorrow, senyap!
That is Kit Siang for you, hangat-hangat tahi ayam.

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