Saturday, June 29, 2019

Speaker says he has no power to punish MPs who fail to declare assets

PETALING JAYA: The Parliamentary Select Committee on Rights and Privileges will conduct an inquiry into MPs who fail to declare their assets once the special motion is passed, says Dewan Rakyat Speaker Datuk Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof.
Mohamad Ariff told The Star that he has no power to punish an MP for failing to comply with an upcoming special motion, compelling all lawmakers to declare their assets to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and have the information displayed for three months in public.
"A breach of a resolution of the House properly passed can result in a contempt of the House, for which the offender can be referred to the Select Committee on Rights and Privileges.
"The Committee will conduct an inquiry and will decide on the appropriate action to be taken," he added.
Mohamad Ariff said the Speaker on his own has no power to punish the MP.
The Star reported that the special motion that will be tabled in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday (July 1).
The motion, once passed, would compel all lawmakers, including from the Opposition to declare their property, including that of their spouses, children and trustees in a Statutory Declaration as prescribed by the Dewan Rakyat Speaker.
On Friday (June 28), Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Liew Vui Keong, who is also the de facto Law Minister, confirmed that he would table the motion on Monday.
Liew said the special motion on asset declaration was part of the Pakatan Harapan manifesto in the last general election.
Currently, there are no laws to compel lawmakers to declare their assets.- Star

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