Thursday, August 1, 2019

'Men are seduced into raping' PKR senator slammed by party, think tank

PETALING JAYA: PKR along with a think tank have called on PKR Senator Mohd Imran Abd Hamid to retract his proposal that a law be enacted to protect men from being seduced into committing rape.
PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the party rejected such a proposal as it was "absurd and an insult to women".
"The proposal also gives the impression that men are immoral and are easily seduced to the point they could be involved in such a despicable act, " he said in a statement on Thursday (Aug 1).
Anwar added that it would be better if focus was given to agendas that would uplift women by strengthening laws that reject any form of sexual harassment against them.

"Therefore, I request that PKR Senator Mohd Imran Abd Hamid withdraw the proposal, " he said.

Meanwhile, the Sabah PKR Wanita wing called on the party leadership to "seriously consider" replacing Mohd Imran.
Its chief Rahimah Majid said such a move would be necessary in order to send a clear and firm message against the “derogatory” proposal made by him.
Rahimah, who is also a member of the PKR central leadership council (MPP), said it was important for the party to take drastic action against the senator whose proposal had clearly tarnished the image of the country, the Parliament and the party.
“By now, his perverted thought of perceiving and portraying the women folk in the country as the 'seducers and sinners' has become an international laughing stock.
“Please bear in mind that this is not the first time that he has made such an outrageously insulting remark against women.
“In 2015, while debating in the Dewan Rakyat, he suggested that participants wearing sexy attire at sporting events could lead to illicit sex if they mingled freely with people, ” she said.
Rahimah said PKR, as a responsible, trustworthy political party and a component of the ruling Pakatan Harapan coalition, must do the right thing.
“A failure to replace him (would mean) the party risks losing integrity and being shunned by the people, ” she said.
She said a “lesser or lenient” action by the party leadership would send the wrong message.
“Senator Mohd Imran’s ludicrous proposal is akin to asking the government to enact laws to protect corrupt government officials from being bribed by others or to protect the snatch thieves from being lured by the victims.
“As a progressive, sound-minded nation and society, we must collectively and vehemently voice our concern and disapproval against politicians with such nonsensical, outrageous viewpoints, failing which we risk reducing ourselves to a pariah state, ” she said.
Meanwhile, Centre For A Better Tomorrow (Cenbet) vice-president Ng Yeen Seen said the statement was appalling and an insult to men, the Dewan Negara and all women.
Ng too called for Mohd Imran to retract the statement and to apologise.
She said a person with a twisted view was unfit to be a member of the august house or to play a role in good governance.
"Political parties have to accept some of the blame for endorsing those who are out of touch with society, " she said.
Ng said numerous scientific findings have shown that rape cases have nothing to do with how a victim dressed.
"Rape cases often stemmed from a perpetrator's desire to exert power over his victims. Many rape cases, including incest, are committed by those known to the victims, including relatives, so Mohd Imran's views does not hold water, is misogynistic and detached from reality, " she said.
Ng added that Malaysian men do not need a law to ensure that they behaved properly.
On July 31, Mohd Imran proposed that a law be enacted that to protect men from being seduced by women into committing sex crimes.
He claimed such laws were important to ensure that men are "protected" against committing sex crimes.- Star

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