Friday, August 30, 2019

Great News : Trump And Rouhani To Meet Soon. In Yemen, UAE Bombs Saudi Forces Pula !!

In Yemen the UAE first pulled out of the Saudi led coalition. 
Meaning they have stopped attacking the Houthis on Saudi Arabia's behalf. 

But now it appears that is not really the case, the UAE has not 'disengaged' from Yemen at all.  They have switched sides.

First of all, despite announcing their pull out, UAE funded separatists are fighting to capture Aden from forces 'loyal' to Saudi puppet Abu Rabbouh Mansour Hadi. 

In the latest development yesterday (Thursday), UAE airplanes bombed mercenary troops funded by Saudi Arabia. 

The UAE is back in the Yemen conflict but now fighting against Saudi Arabia. 
What is going on?  Why?

Do keep this in mind when you read this piece of news - President Trump will be meeting Iranian president Rouhani soon. This will be a first in the last FOURTY NINE YEARS (49 years) when the Shah of Iran ruled Iran (until 1979).

Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rohani may meet within weeks
French President Macron said during joint press conference with Trump Monday 

Trump said meeting could happen in coming weeks 

"I have a good feeling. ..I think .. going to be good," Trump told reporters.

"to meet and get .. situation straightened out." 

Trump said he respected Iran's Foreign Minister Zarif visit to G7 Sunday

Macron spoke to him prior to Zarif's visit and asked for his approval

U.S. wants a "strong Iran" and does not seek regime change
He added the way Iranians were being forced to live is unacceptable (??) 
  • "Let Iran be rich again," Trump said
  • "Iran has chance to really build up and be really great nation," he said. 
  • "They have to stop terrorism," he cautioned.

  • Rohani defended his foreign minister's surprise visit to G7 summit
  • saying he is ready to go anywhere to negotiate out of crisis 
  • Rohani said : "If meeting would help my country, people, I would not miss it."
  • He stressed "we have to negotiate, find solution, solve the problem."

Rohani added Iran will discuss Zarif's visit Sunday to G7 in France

France invited Zarif after G7 leaders, including Trump, gathered for dinner Saturday

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed Zarif landed at G7 summit

Trump said Israel to make a peace deal 
Palestinians would "like to get U.S. funding back"

That news above is FOUR DAYS OLD. 
Yesterday, Thursday the UAE bombed Saudi backed mercenaries in Yemen. 
Here is the news:

UAE  airstrike over southern Yemen Thurs
targeting Saudi-backed Islah forces
UAE air force killed several Islah forces during aerial attack over Aden Thurs

attack by UAE air force just hours after pro UAE forces captured Zanjabar 

Saudi and UAE tensions running high 
after Islah captured Aden from Southern Movement Wed 

Trump said the US wants no regime change in Iran. The US wants Iran to be strong. trump also said the way Iranians were being forced to live is unacceptable

My comments :

Certainly Trump wants to make a deal with Iran's Rouhani 
I suspect the deal is "Rouhani stays but the Ayatollahs must go".  
The Republican Guard and their commander Qasem Soleimani must go too.

This means the Ayatollahs will be vehemently opposed to Rouhani meeting Trump.
Which is why I think Trump is going to give Rouhani an option - "You keep your job, but get rid of the Ayatollahs. No regime change."
And it looks like the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia will be kicked out as well.
And it is most likely that the al Saud will also be kicked out.

I think the UAE has seen this light. 
The UAE is hemmed in by Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The UAE can read the tea leaves much better. Since they are closer to Iran and Saudi.

The UAE can see that while Iran is super viable (it is a 5000 year old civilisation) the syaitan ayatollahs are not.

The UAE can see that Saudi Arabia, Wahabism and Salafism are all dead. 

Hence they are switching sides in Yemen. And that will also hasten the demise of the Saudis / Salafis / Wahabis.

The underlying argument is this:
  • The normal, everyday people of Iran have no fight with anyone.  It is the syaitan ayatollahs who constantly need enemies to keep the Iranian people frightened and dumb.
  • The normal, everyday people in Saudi Arabia have no fight with anyone.  It is the syaitan Wahabis and Salafis who constantly need enemies to keep the Arabian people frightened and dumb.

So if you take out these two syaitans ie the ayatollahs in Iran and the Wahabis / Salafis syaitans in Saudi, there will be so much peace in that part of the world. And in our part of the world as well.

Tuan-tuan, Pak Arab sanggup jual ibu dia jadi pelacur. 
Be careful tuan-tuan nak bodoh ikut bontot unta mana satu. 

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