Monday, August 26, 2019

Hadi: PAS advised Zakir to focus on preaching, not politics

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang said his party has advised Dr Zakir Naik to focus on religious preaching instead of politics following the controversy he has generated over comments about Hindu and Chinese Malaysians.
However, Hadi maintained that Zakir's comments were politicised by the DAP.
"We have advised Zakir, as a preacher, to be careful with political issues in the country.
"We need to be aware that his issue was politicised by the DAP, not by him. It was the DAP that politicised it. That is why we are responding on his behalf.

"Zakir needs to focus on preaching in an academic manner, not politics," he told a press conference in Putrajaya today.
Hadi was responding to MIC president SA Vigneswaran’s criticism of PAS, its new ally, over its spirited defence of Zakir.
Vigneswaran had said that PAS leaders should have advised the Islamic preacher to respect the various races in the country, "instead of encouraging him to make things worse."
Hadi, at the press conference today, stressed that PAS has a role to play in responding to the attacks against Zakir.
Several leaders, particularly from the DAP, have called for his deportation.
Apart from his comments about Hindu and Chinese Malaysians, his method of comparing Islam to other religions has also caused offence to some of the other faiths.
However, Hadi defended Zakir's methods.
"Preaching concerns religion, comparison between religions and academic comparisons. What is important is that the other side must respond through arguments.
"If they cannot answer with arguments, then don't get angry," he said.
Zakir had stirred controversy after he suggested that Hindu Malaysians supported Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi more than Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The India-born televangelist also said that the "old guests" Chinese Malaysians should be sent back before he is sent back.
He is under Malaysian police investigation over the comments.
Zakir claimed his statement was taken out of context, but apologised for the offence he caused.
The preacher is wanted by Indian authorities on money laundering and hate speech charges.
Zakir had said he is willing to return to India to face the charges if he is given a written guarantee that he will not be detained until the trial is concluded. - Mkini

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