Thursday, August 29, 2019

Redzuan: Not constructive to boycott non-Muslim-made halal products

Entrepreneur Development Minister Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof today described an online campaign to boycott halal products made by non-Muslims as "not constructive."
Redzuan said such campaigns should not be seen in a multiracial country.
"For example in the north, 70 percent of (some) halal products are produced by non-Muslims. It is not a problem. The campaign is not right. If it is halal, it's enough. 
"If there is a halal certification from the Islamic Development Department, it is enough to sell. 

"There is no need to boycott as it is not constructive," he said after officiating the National Entrepreneur Week 2019 in Serdang this evening.
Also present at the event was Rezuan's deputy, Mohd Hatta Ramli, and Deputy Finance Minister Amiruddin Hamzah.
Redzuan, however, said that he is unable to control the spread of such campaigns on social media.
He was asked to respond to a number of NGOs calling for a boycott of halal products made by non-Muslims.
On a separate matter, Redzuan said there will no longer be conventions exclusive to bumiputera entrepreneurs, as the government wants to be more inclusive.
"It will be the same convention, but we want to be more inclusive with a clear direction, so there is no need for just a bumiputera entrepreneur convention.
"If the need arises, then we can have it again," he said.
Earlier, in his speech, Redzuan said the Association of Islamic Banking Institutions (Aibim), which comprises 26 banking institutions, had provided some RM20 billion in loans to SMEs.
He said the banking institutions were also prepared to support the government's National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030 programme. - Mkini

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