Sunday, August 25, 2019

Untuk Makluman Dr Mahathir, Bersatu These Maulanas In India Have Not Been Killed Yet, Or Di Culik Tengah Malam

This is Masood Azhar in the picture here. This fellow is a violent  terrorist.  He is the founder of Jaish e Mohammed, a Pakistan based terrorist organisation that carries out terrorist attacks against India. (Also Harkat ul Ansar which became Harkat ul Mujahideen).

This year on May 1st 2019 the United Nations Security Council declared Masood an international terrorist. I believe Malaysia did not object to this United Nations Security Council ruling.

Here is some background on Masood Azhar:

Early life -  born in Punjab, Pakistan on 10 July 1968.
dropped out of school after grade 8 
joined Jamia Uloom madrassah 
graduated in 1989 

Jamia Uloom heavily involved with Harkat-ul-Ansar.  
Azhar enrolled for jihad-training camp in Afghanistan

Azhar became general secretary of Harkat-ul-Ansar 
visited many intn'l locations to recruit, raise funds, spread jihad

Somalia -  Azhar confessed in 1993 he traveled to Nairobi, Kenya 
to meet al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, an al-Qaeda-aligned Somali group

Activities in UK  -   Aug 1993 Azhar entered UK for fundraising, recruitment 
made contacts who provided training, logistical support for terror plots 
7/7, 21/7 and in 2006 to smuggle liquid bomb materials on transatlantic airlines

1993 militant Harkat-ul-Ansar established 
Masood served as general secretary.

Harkat-ul-Ansar terrorist attacks against Westerners 
random attacks on civilians 
1994 - 1998  Harkat ul Ansar abducted 13 persons (12 westerners)

Arrested in India - 1994 Azhar travelled to Srinagar under fake identity
India arrested him in Feb 1994, imprisoned him 

Released after hijacking 
Dec 1999, Indian Airlines Flight 814 (IC814) Kathmandu - New Delhi hijacked
Landed in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

hijacking of IC814 led by Masood Azhar's brother,  Ibrahim Azhar 

Azhar release demanded in exchange for hostages 
Azhar was freed by Indian government

Once Azhar handed over they fled to Pakistan
Pakistani govt said Azhar allowed to return home 
since he did not commit any crimes in Pakistan 

(OSTB : Exactly what Dr Mahathir said about Zakir Naik. Zakir has not committed any crimes in Malaysia.)
1999 Harkat-ul-Ansar changed name to Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.

Masood Azhar started Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
assisted by :  Pakistan's ISI, Taliban, Osama bin Laden 
JeM run by Azhar's family like family enterprise

1.  Dec 2001 Jaish e Mohammed  attacked Indian Parliament 
Brought India - Pakistan to brink of full-scale war
14 dead : 5 terrorists, 6 Police, 2 Security, 1 gardener 

2.  Jaish e Mohammed attacked Mumbai - 7 Dec 2008
209 people dead
Azhar arrested by Pakistan,  but restricted arrest, not put in jail
26 Jan 2014, Azhar reappeared after "seclusion" of 6 years.

3.  JeM 2016 attack on Pathankot Indian air base 
16 people dead
masterminded by Masood Azhar and his brother
They were in direct touch with attackers when attack began 

4.  2019 Pulwama attack - 14 Feb 2019
convoy on Jammu Srinagar Highway attacked by JeM suicide bomber
44 Police personnel dead
Jaish-e-Mohammed claimed responsibility for attack

Below here is a picture of the Pakistani terrorist Masood Azhar having food with Zakir Naik :

Now here is some good advice by Tan Sri Rahim Noor - our former IGP.

rescind Zakir Naik’s (PR) and return him to India, says Tan Sri Rahim Noor
former IGP urged Pakatan to do so given what he has done in India and Malaysia

he has touched on religion and hurt feelings of non-Muslims 
We should not wait for outcome of investigation

Rahim aware certain parties disagree with him
ask them why many Islamic figures in India not facing problems except Zakir

There must be something he did against the law 
he was put on wanted list by Indian authorities

We don’t need foreigners to come here and use religion to incite chaos, trouble
“Do we need these type of people? To me, it is a big no, ” he said.

  • government should tell him to go back to India and face the laws there.
  • He must be responsible for his actions and face it
  • as Malays say, ‘berani buat, berani tanggung” (reap what you sow).
The country should not be a “pak sanggup” (blindly accept) him 
we have no shortage of Islamic experts or scholars in the country

Rahim felt deeply hurt that a foreigner, granted PR, had nerve to utter comments to incite trouble among Malaysians of different religions and racea

It only shows that he does not respect our way of life
Malaysians live in peace while respecting each other’s beliefs and ethnicity, ” he said

Rahim questioned why Zakir granted PR status in 2015
he was wanted by Indian government 
his history of offending other religions

How can such a foreigner be granted PR in the blink of an eye

takes years for someone to be given PR 
despite contribution to economy or social causes

I wonder if proper due diligence, background checks before PR approved

Zakir wanted by India over his activities that infringed laws there 
why did our country easily accept him then?

strange that government approved his arrival 
and subsequently granted him PR, ” he said.


Finally here is a list of famous Muslim religious leaders or maulanas in India.  
They have not been killed yet by the Indian government.
Neither have they been charged with money laundering.

1.  Maulana Saad of Nizamuddin, Delhi.

This the Ameer or leader of the Tablighi Jamaat, Delhi. They have over 20 million following in India and close to 60  million followers around the world. He has not been killed yet.

2. Maulana Abul Qasim Noomani, Darul Uloom, Deoband

Maulana Abul Qasim is the rector of the Deoband terrorist madrassah in India. 
The Deobandis gave birth to the Taliban. So far he has not been killed yet.

3. Maulana Mahmood Madani,   Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind’s General Secretary 

4. Maulana  Syed Sadatullah Husaini,   Ameer  of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind 

5. Maulana Navaid Hamid, President of All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat

6. Maulana Asaduddin Owaisi, President of All India Muslim Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen

Dear Dr Mahathir,  if the whole thing about Zakir Naik is a Narendra Modi conspiracy against Zakir Naik and Islam then can you explain how come the thousands of the other more famous and more well known Maulanas in India have not been charged with Money Laundering or killed by the Indian government?

You realise that you are looking even more "not very clever".

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