Tuesday, September 24, 2019

After Egypt, Jordan Also About To Burn - Pemimpin Melayu Sila Terus Jahil Ok?

In the previous post I said that Egypt is about to burn again. Thank you to the reader who sent the video link from Al Jazeera about the street protests in Egypt. If you have 25 minutes, you can view that video here.  

The corruption by the Sisi regime is just the spark or catalyst for the growing street protests in Egypt. There is much larger undercurrent of discontent, disenfranchisement and of being cheated of their livelihood that is impacting 100 million (got it right this time) Egyptians. 

This is not something that is going to go away.

Jordan is up next. 

There is serious unhappiness and discontent in Jordan as well. 
Their school teachers are on strike. 
But the problems are much larger.

Teachers in Jordan  another mass strike 
days after plunging  capital into chaos 
thousands from across country protest against working conditions

teachers demand 50% salary increase promised five years go
protest largely peaceful, videos of teargas to disperse demonstrators
35,000 people took part in protests

basic monthly salary 182 Jordanian dinars 
average rent for 3 bedroom 314 dinars

cannot afford to live on low salary teachers in Jordan are paid 
have to pay such high living costs
said Faisal who works as temporary teacher, degree in engineering 

his job teaching industrial design paid 214 dinars a month
and only for eight months when school is open

  • Jordan’s unemployment rate 19% in 2019
  • unemployment rate higher among university graduates
  • 78% for women and 26% for men
50% salary increase for teachers would cost US$160 million per year
kingdom’s large deficit – public debt 28.3 billion dinars 

increase taxes, austerity measures sparked widespread protests June 2018
poor affected the most, sparked more demonstrations 

My comments :  Today I don't have much time. Have to water the kebun and harvest some output. 

Both Egypt and Jordan have something and don't have something.

They have plenty Arab citizens who are highly dependent on the government. They depend on the government for jobs and salaries, they depend on government spending and government projects. And because the government is corrupt plus they do not know what needs to be done, the public funds get wasted.

(Have you heard of a country called Malaysia?)

But the biggest mistake of all is that they do not have a free market. There is government regulation, government intervention, government licensing in almost everything. And government regulation is geared more towards "tak boleh" or 'you cannot do this".  

Government is not an enabler. Instead government is a disabler.  The government puts up obstacles that prevent rather than enable things from happening. These are because of some really stupid agendas and politics (racial agendas, religious agendas, ruling party wants to hold on to power politics etc).

(Have you heard of a country called Malaysia?)
In the Quranic Arabic the government is therefore a syaitan. 
Literally syaitan means one who goes against, one who butts his head against the wall. 

Another Quranic Arabic term is kafir. The government is kafir. Kafir means one who covers things over, one who extinguishes, one who goes against the right way of doing something.

Sadly most governments in Islamic countries play the roles of syaitan and kafir (in the literal sense of these words). Hence their citizenry does not get anywhere.

The greatest gift that Allah has bestowed on mankind for his sustenance is the free market. 

The Quran says, 

Surah 7:96  "Had the people of the cities believed and turned righteous, We would have opened for them the blessings of the skies and the earth; but they rejected the truth, so We seized them by what they were doing."

The blessings from the skies and the earth are just waiting to pour down on our heads. 

There are enough blessings for everyone.
And we must believe that there are enough blessings for everyone. 
All we have to do is to free up all these blessings and allow them to pour down on our heads - through hard and righteous work.

We must work and work hard. And use our brains. 

Now here is what Malaysia has that the Arab countries do not have. 

Malaysia has about 10 million Chinese and Indians who are able to work and sustain their own communities with the least assistance from the government - but they face the maximum hindrances and obstacles from the government (hopefully getting less under the PH but does not appear so).

Lets face it - the Chinese and Indians did not and still do not get as much assistance as the Malays / Muslims or Zakir Naik. Even ISIS terrorists are more welcome in Darul Teroris. 

So the Chinese and Indians have had to compete and survive to ensure their survival - which they have done quite well. 

As a result they do two things 

1. They manufacture, distribute and sell our underwear for us.  
2.  And they pay taxes. 

So we all have nice clean underwear to purchase and to wear. 
Plus there is plenty tax revenue for the government to do more syaitan and kafir things.

That's how our system works. 

And now with the oil wealth diminishing and one more economic disaster looming on the horizon, we must be thankful there are these people who walk among us who have learnt to survive. 

And they know how to manufacture and sell underwear for our benefit.
And they pay taxes.

The Arab countries do not have such people in sufficient quantities.

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