Monday, September 23, 2019

Egypt Starts To Burn Down Again

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Just a few months back I did a post saying that Egypt will be in turmoil again soon. I also said that any new turmoil in Egypt will be unstoppable.  Well guess what? Protests are erupting in Egypt again - just SIX years after they threw out Morsi. 

There were protests in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities aginst the government on September 20th and September 21st. 

First here is the news :


Exceedingly rare protests erupted throughout Egypt past weekend
demonstrations against corruption.

Sisi misappropriated public funds for private use
building presidential palaces, high-end properties, tomb for dead mother
while ordinary Egyptians struggle with basic necessities

Egyptian dictator al-Sisi attempted to crush all opposition 
not witnessed under Hosni Mubarak

army remains dominant power in Egypt
protests primarily about Sisi, not military

systemic, massive corruption staple in Egypt from Mubarak to Sisi

Sisi extinguished opposition far beyond Mubarak 
Sisi arrested thousands of journalists, activists 

US once again sided with oppressive stability 
Trump called Sisi ‘my favorite dictator’ 
US's affinity for anti-democratic regimes in Middle East 
Sisi will face little pressure from U.S. 

Egyptian economy struggling under austerity 

hurt Egypt’s poor while protecting powerful 
Food prices rise, 33% Egyptians live below poverty line
Sept 20 hundreds of courageous Egyptians took to streets  
in Tahrir Square,  chanting ‘Sisi must go’ 

similar protests in Alexandria, Mahalla el-Kubra
Police responded with tear gas, rubber bullets, arrests

Sept 21, hundreds protested in Suez
BBC temporarily blocked to stop news 

Sisi's attempt to limit civil society
Egyptians frustrated with state of country
protests, public defiance  unheard of under Sisi

protests erupted when videos detailing corruption released 
videos detailed corruption in military projects 

calls for ‘million-man’ protest on Sept 27th.

My comments :  The problem with Egypt is that they have a population of 100,000,000 million people. That is far, far too many people that CANNOT be sustained with the the present level of labour productivity of the Egyptian people. 

The news says that 33% of Egyptians (ie 33 million peoplke) live below the poverty line.  Here is the catch - the remaining 67% of Egyptians are not rich at all. They also live just above the poverty line. 

Egypt is quite screwed. 

In comparison Vietnam also has a population of 100 million people.  
But Vietnam is progressing by super duper leaps and bounds. 
Vietnam is the next China.

A 'million man protest' has been called for September 27th 2019 in Cairo. 
If that protest takes place, people are going to get shot.

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