Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Probe late birth registrations using SDs in Sabah, PBS tells Putrajaya

Putrajaya has announced an end to late birth registrations at state National Registration Department offices. (Bernama pic)
KOTA KINABALU: Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) has welcomed Putrajaya’s move to stop late birth registrations at state National Registration Department (JPN) offices nationwide, and says the government should also look into cases of people using statutory declarations (SDs) for this purpose or to apply for identity cards in Sabah.
PBS secretary-general Jahid Jahim said the party had always objected to late birth registrations and applications for identity cards using SDs unless these are properly verified.
“So don’t stop now,” he told FMT. “We demand that the federal government review all previous late birth registrations as well as the issuance of identity cards using SDs in Sabah.
“New ones should only be re-issued to those who are genuinely locals.”
Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said earlier this week that putting a stop to late birth registrations at state JPN offices was among the measures recommended following reports of the illegal issuance and sale of MyKads and birth certificates to foreign nationals in Penang.
Jahid said it was unfortunate that Putrajaya had only now realised the gravity of the situation.
The Tamparuli assemblyman added that questions had resurfaced concerning the authenticity of such documents previously issued in Sabah.
He spoke of long-standing concerns in Sabah about citizenship allegedly being awarded to Filipino immigrants.
“The Philippines is also actively pursuing its claim on Sabah, as recently stated by the under-secretary for foreign affairs,” he said.
“This is what we have been talking about in Sabah for ages. PBS has always asked for a review, but it was never entertained.
“There are allegations in the Penang case that SDs were used for late birth registrations, so it’s only right that we look at the documents issued through the same means here as well.”
Calling it a matter of national security, Jahid added that Projek IC remained a hot topic among Sabahans even today.
Projek IC refers to the alleged systematic granting of citizenship to illegal immigrants in the 1980s and 1990s, which was said to have changed the state’s demographics to benefit certain political parties.
Jahid said no concrete solution to the issue had yet emerged despite a royal commission of inquiry into illegal immigrants in Sabah.
“The concerns of genuine Sabahans are valid as this matter goes back even up to 50 years ago. That is why we want previous late registrations or identity card applications using SDs to be reviewed,” he said.
Jahid also urged the federal and state governments to refrain from implementing the Sabah Temporary Pass (PSS) project for now.
“The Penang case begs the question of whether the IMM13 documents, census certificates and kad burung-burung were legitimately issued to begin with.

“So don’t go on with the PSS project. First, find out if these documents are valid,” he said. - FMT

1 comment:

  1. Hello pbs, arent you in the government before? Why is it after holding no power what so ever you demanding this and that? What were you doing when you were at the helm of power?


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