Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Saudi War Against Yemen Is Over? Syukur Alhamdulillah !

Here is some news (from last Friday) which I seem to have missed.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:10 P.M.) – Houthi Ansarallah announced Fri halting missile strikes on Saudi Arabia after kingdom offered peace deal

According to the Houthis Saudi offered to halt airstrikes over Yemen in exchange for halting all Houthi missile strikes

This announcement comes just days after Houthis bombed largest Aramco facilities 

My comments:  AMN or Al Masdar News is the official mouthpiece of the Ansarullah aka the Houthis in Yemen. This sounds fantastic.

It immediately puts US Secretary of State Pompeo in an awkward situation. Hence we cannot find this news being reported in any of the western media. 

Instead some news sites tell a slightly different story. 

That the Houthis have declared a unilateral ceasefire and the Saudis are . . .doing what? 

Houthi leadership call for end to four-year war
promising to halt attacks on Saudi 
expect  same in return

Mehdi al-Mashat, head of Houthi Supreme Political Council said 
his side would stop targeting Saudi with missiles and aerial vehicles 
continuing war is in nobody’s interest al-Mashat said, according to AMN news 

We are awaiting reciprocal response, or a better one
to stop all forms of targeting and bombardment
we reserve right to respond if there is no reply to this initiative, he said

My comments : So here it is the Houthis who have offered a ceasefire. Plus they are awaiting a response from the Saudis which has not come yet.  Here is the Cyprus Mail :

Houthis will stop aiming missile and drone attacks at Saudi 
if Saudi does the same
Houthi official said on Friday

Mahdi al-Mashat called for halt to strikes and for serious talks 

I call on all parties to engage seriously in genuine negotiations 
comprehensive national reconciliation that does not exclude anyone,” said Mashat.

Saudi did not immediately respond 

Mashat said Houthis “would not hesitate to launch a period of great pain” 
if their call for peace was ignored

My comments :  There have not been any reports of Saudis bombing Yemen today. Is there a ceasefire? Maybe this is real news (and hopefully not fake). The Houthis say they reserve the right to resume hostilities if the Saudis do not respond. 

This really puts the Deep State in the US and the UK in quite some embarrasment. They certainly need this war to keep Iran 'contained'. If peace breaks out, then Iran cannot be the boogeyman anymore. 

The illegitimate Ayatollahs in Iran need a permanent  "great satan" boogeyman too. Theirs is an issue of legitimacy (or the lack thereof). If there is peace in Yemen, who knows Donald Trump might turn up in Tehran - to shake hands. No more great satan. No more boogeyman? That could present its own set of problems for the Ayatollahs.

The Houthis have to stand firm.

p.s. Nope. The war is not over. The Saudis bombed and killed  five people on Monday.
  • CAIRO (Sept 23): Houthis said Mon 5 civilians killed in Saudi air strike
  • according to Houthi Al-Masirah TV
  • Houthis said Saudi air strikes on a mosque 
  • Two children from same family missing
  • Reuters

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