Saturday, November 2, 2019

Malaysia Gave PR To Zak_r Na_k, Pakistan Hid Osama Bin Laden, Turkey Protected Abu Bakar Baghdadi

U.S. questions - How ISIS leader got refuge in province secured by Turkey
U.S. wants to know more about Turkey’s knowledge of Baghdadi’s whereabouts
the relationship between Turkey’s intelligence service and Islamic State.

Baghdadi hiding close to Turkish border 

Baghdadi found in province, with numerous Turkish military checkpoints

Muhajir (his deputy) found in Jarabulus, town patrolled by Turkish forces
U.S. intelligence officials are suspicious
Turkish intelligence allowed ISIS recruits to travel through Turkey into Syria

recently one senior ISIS official found based in Turkey
U.S. Treasury noted Aug 2017 ISIS finance minister relocated to Turkey 

Turkey did everything in its power to support  ISIS in Syria
U.S. sources found ISIS jihadists “roaming free” 

raises question of what is Turkey’s real policy on ISIS

All of this invites a comparison to Pakistan
Osama bin Laden found in 2011 in Abbottabad 
where Pakistan’s most prestigious military academy located
Baghdadi found in Idlib, an area under responsibility of Turkish military
Turks knew where he was all along

My comments : I knew it. I suspected this already in the first few hours after Baghdadi was killed. He was found too close to the Turkish border. Also the earliest reports said he had sent off one of his wives and some of his children to safety in Turkey.

Just like Pakistan hiding Osama Bin Ladin in Abbotabad, Pakistan for six years from 2005 until Osama was killed in May 2011.  

Here is a picture of Osama bin Ladin's house in Abbotabad, Pakistan. 
There was an 8 to 12 foot high wall built all around the compound.

Below here are two screen images of Baghdadi's walled compound in Idlib, Turkey. 

Both Osama and Baghdadi's hideouts had large courtyards surrounded by high walls.   As though the builders / designers of both the Osama and Baghdadi hideouts exchanged ideas on how to build the compounds. 

This is very sad news for another reason too.  

Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia have agreed to set up some sort of media cooperation to fight off "Islamophobia".

How is Pakistan going to counter "Islamophobia" when that country was giving shelter and protection to Osama bin Laden for much longer than six years?

And to make matters worse on October 19th 2019 the international Financial Action Task Force (FATF) against money laundering and terror financing (TF) has given a warning to Pakistan to comply with FATF regulations by February 2020 or Pakistan will get blacklisted (meaning international banks can deny overseas money transfers coming from Pakistan banks etc).  The FATF has been set up by the G7 nations and almost ALL countries are members, including Zimbabwe.  Here is their comment about Pakistan :

  • FATF again expresses serious concerns with the overall lack of progress by Pakistan to address its terror financing (TF) risks
  • including remaining deficiencies in demonstrating a sufficient understanding of 

  • Pakistan’s transnational TF risks, and more broadly, 

  • Pakistan’s failure to complete its action plan in line with the agreed timelines 
  • and in light of the TF risks emanating from the jurisdiction. 

  • To date, Pakistan has only largely addressed five of 27 action items, 
  • with varying levels of progress made on the rest of the action plan. 

  • FATF strongly urges Pakistan to swiftly complete its full action plan by Feb 2020 

  • Otherwise, should significant and sustainable progress not be made across the full range of its action plan by the next Plenary, the FATF will take action

  • which could include the FATF calling on its members and urging all jurisdictions to advise their FIs to give special attention to business relations and transactions with Pakistan.
(How do I know all this? I am a busybody - I do keep track of things like this.)

The bottom line is Pakistan is in the bad books for their failure (OR REFUSAL) to outlaw and abolish terrorist financing activities to support various jihadi terrorists around the world.

And this is the country that wants to defend 'Islam' ? Pi dah mabuk.

Now it is becoming known that Turkey has been providing shelter to Abu Bakar Baghdadi the leader of the insane ISIS terrorists.   And Turkey also wants to defend 'Islam' against phobia.

Last  is Malaysia - which has given PR to the Indian goat. 
And Dr Mahathir also wants to contribute towards defending "Islam".

Nauzubillah. With "defenders" like these Islam has no more need for enemies. 

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