Saturday, November 2, 2019

Muhyiddin denies DAP targeted by 'deep state' over LTTE, will probe torture claims

Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has denied DAP was being targeted by the 'deep state' over alleged Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) links.
Muhyiddin said those arrested and now charged in relation to the now-defunct terrorist organisation just happened to be from DAP.
"It has nothing to do with DAP, it is just coincidence those involved are DAP leaders or members.

"Same as with other parties, if an individual does something, we can't accuse the party," he told reporters at a press conference in Tanjung Piai today.
The possibility of deep state involvement in the arrests was highlighted by DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng yesterday.
Lim, who is also finance minister, said party leaders had raised the issue due to what they perceived were attempts by authorities to target DAP for links to a defunct terrorist group, and for allegedly spreading communist propaganda.
Earlier this month, two DAP assemblypersons - G Saminathan and P Gunasekaran - and another DAP member were among 12 men detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 and recently charged over alleged links with the LTTE.
However, the Bersatu president said he has explained to his allies that they should not misunderstand the situation.
Torture claims ‘not true’
Meanwhile, police have denied allegations of torture and forced confessions experienced by several of the accused in the LTTE case while being detained under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma), he said.
“I have checked with the inspector-general of police (Abdul Hamid Bador) and the officers involved. They say it (allegations) are not true,” Muhyiddin told reporters.
He added the accused could lodge police reports if they felt actions taken against them were not in line with the law or were too rough.
He nonetheless gave his assurance the IGP will investigate the matter, saying the government was not taking the matter lightly.
“Nothing can be accepted at face value. We must investigate.
“[...] These are serious accusations, I do not view them lightly. The IGP will conduct investigations,” he said.
Muhyiddin also commented on the call by human rights watchdog Suaram for him to resign from his ministerial position if he was unable to put an end to custodial abuse.
He said that while he acknowledged responsibility for such matters, he urged all parties not to form assumptions based on allegations made by a few.
"Yes, I am responsible. But I won't take such action based on assumptions on the words of a few." - Mkini

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