Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ahead of PKR congress, ‘no confidence’ motion mooted against Anwar

Lembah Pantai PKR Youth vice-chief Nazrin Idham Razali says he is disappointed by efforts to remove leaders who backed deputy president Mohame Azmin Ali.
PETALING JAYA: A PKR Youth leader has proposed a motion of no confidence against PKR president Anwar Ibrahim, ahead of the party’s upcoming national congress in Melaka next week.
This comes amid a widening rift between leaders aligned to Anwar Ibrahim and his deputy, Mohamed Azmin Ali.
In a statement, Lembah Pantai PKR Youth vice-chief Nazrin Idham Razali said Anwar had failed to carry out his duties, respect the mandate of members and deliver on the reform agenda.
Nazrin Idham Razali.
Nazrin said he was disappointed by efforts to remove leaders who backed Azmin.
This, he said, included calls for Azmin to resign, disciplinary action against vice-president Zuraida Kamaruddin, the sacking of Central Leadership Council member Zakaria Abdul Hamid and the removal of the PKR Youth permanent chairman and his deputy as they were over the 35-year-old youth age limit.
“Because of this, there has been a huge split in the party to the point that the trust and welfare of the people have been ignored,” he said, adding that this resulted in the people losing trust in the leaders and government.
He accused Anwar of focusing solely on his personal agenda instead of serving the people by joining Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Cabinet.
He suggested that PKR Youth leaders propose a motion of no confidence against Anwar as PKR president.
“I also propose the leadership at all levels, including the Central Leadership Council, also propose a motion of no confidence against Anwar.” - FMT

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