Sunday, February 2, 2020

Abbas Cuts All Ties With Israel And US

By the way, have you all noticed that Hamas is absolutely quiet over the Trump peace plan. So Hamas has also been bought.

 We have informed Israel America of this decision Abbas said     
Abbas decided to severe all relations with Israel US 
we notified them no relations with Israel US
includes security relations

Benny Gantz tweeted: Abbas once again not missed opportunity to reject
Abbas facing pressure from Palestinians, including Fatah 

Abbas refused phone calls, letters from Trump before announcement of the plan
Abbas repeated his rejection of Israel as a Jewish state

My comments :

There are three groups involved.

1. The Palestinians who have suffered injustice since 1948.
2. The Jewish people who have fought, prevailed and prospered in Israel.
3. The other quite useless 'supporters' of the Palestinians who have simply taken advantage of their plight for "your" own benefit. These are the munafiks.

Lets do the munafiks first. This would include the entire Arab world. Then the larger Islamic world including the "Tabung Tin Milo" munafiks who collected so much money in the name of Palestine but not a cent reached the Palestinians. The Palestinians do not even know that so many Milo Tins have been sacrificed to become donation boxes in their name.

The leaders of the Arab world and of the Islamic countries (including Malaysia, Pakistan, etc) have taken full advantage of the Palestinian issue to boost their own politics. Munafiks.

Why do I say this? 

Because not a single one of these munafiks has spent a single sen of their own money to help the Palestinians. 

Neither have they gone on their own effort to Palestine to fight for the Palestinians.

The Arab monarchs poured their oil money (which actually belongs to the public) for Palestinian "causes" including terrorism, to boost their own image.

Other Islamic leaders poured taxpayers money (like Suami Dayus did) into the Palestinian "cause" - like giving money to Hamas which was then used to hate Fatah and divide the Palestinians further.  

By the way, have you noticed that Hamas is absolutely quiet over the Trump peace plan. So Hamas has also been bought.

Not one munafik organised any of their own money to organise even one tuition class to help the Palestinians in Palestine.

Instead they used taxpayers money to give scholarships to some Palestinians to study here. What did that solve? Over the past 72 years how many Palestinians did you educate in this way? 10? 100? 1000? Did it make any difference?

Now the Arabs have totally dumped the Palestinians. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and many other Arab states have now told the Palestinians - "go and negotiate with Israel and the Americans by yourself. Don't come crying to us anymore." 

I think Pakistan is also part of this game now. Because Trump has got them by the bondas.

So the Palestinians have just been taken advantage of, the Palestinian cause has just been abused as a fraud to collect money in the Milo Tins and to boost the popularity of the local mullahs, ostard wal retards and the local chicken shit politicians from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Pakistan and all over the Islamic world. The genuiness has always been lacking.

My view is this. This is just my view.

The Palestinians need houses in which they can sleep safely and soundly at night and where they can raise their families in peace and security. With clean running water, clean modern toilets and electricity, telephone, Internet, broadband etc. 

When they wake up in the morning there must be good schools, colleges and universities nearby which can educate their future generations.

There must be markets, supermarkets, farms and orchards which can provide them all the good food that they should consume. 

They must have cars, vehicles, roads, highways, trains, MRTs etc which can take their kids to school and back, take them to the supermarket and back etc.

And above all they must have jobs and opportunities to seek any and all economic opportunities. They should set up industries, export manufacturing, trading houses, banks, etc, etc that will create jobs and economic opportunities for them.

As a sovereign state they will have opportunities to do all this and more.

The question is does Trump's Peace Plan allow them or deny them all these opportunities? 

Now the people who should ponder this should be the Palestinians.

The munafiks just keep your mouths shut.
Elok pi melancap saja - lebih baik.
Like what Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Qatar have decided to do.

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