Sunday, March 1, 2020

Muhyiddin Can Stay As PM8 If Mukhriz Is DPM And FM

People, my foot! Read my lips: IT IS ALL ABOUT MUKHRIZ! Tidak pernah saya jumpa manusia sebodoh rakyat Malaysia. Demokrasi konon. Kalau pasal demokrasi sudah lama Anwar jadi perdana menteri (PM5) dan bukan tertunggu-tunggu sebagai Prime Minister-in-waiting sampai mati.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
I have written about this subject many times over the years but not many seem to understand what I am saying.
The naïve and bodoh-sombong Pakatan Harapan supporters keep talking about rakyat’s choice, rakyat’s mandate, majority-elected government, and all that nonsense. They say 53% of the voters voted for Pakatan Harapan in the 2018 general election so that gives them the legitimacy to rule.
I keep telling everyone that 32 million Malaysians, or the 15 million registered voters, or the 20 million Malaysians of voting age, or the 12 million Malaysians who came out to vote, or the 5.5 million Malaysians who voted for Pakatan Harapan, get to choose their government. Only 112 Malaysians have the power to do that.

Malaysia is about only these four people — Mahathir, Anwar, Muhyiddin and Najib — and not about the rakyat, suckers!

But then these naïve and idealistic Malaysians keep moaning about rights, democracy, civil liberties and so on. Actually, democracy is the worst system even invented by humankind and is the tyranny of the majority over the minority.
And I am not talking about “the majority” of 32 million Malaysians, or 15 million registered voters, or 20 million Malaysians of voting age, or 12 million Malaysians who came out to vote, or 5.5 million Malaysians who voted for Pakatan Harapan. I am talking about “the majority” of 112 Members of Parliament versus “the minority” of 110 Members of Parliament.
So live with it, you Pakatan Harapan losers and moaners. Get real. The reality is 112 out of 222 Malaysians choose and His Majesty the Agong needs to endorse this choice.
It’s a done deal. If you are not happy get 112 MPs to pass a vote of no confidence against Muhyiddin at the next parliament sitting. If Muhyiddin loses, he can then request the Agong to dissolve parliament to make way for GE15. And Pakatan Harapan is going to get wiped out in this next general election.

The current political turmoil is not about the rakyat or democracy but about Mukhriz

If Muhyiddin wins, then accept it and keep quiet, like how Barisan Nasional accepted their defeat in GE14 on 9th May 2018.
What about the people? WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE? Since when do the people have a say in the democratic process? Read what Plato said about democracy.
This whole matter does not involve THE PEOPLE. It is about making Mukhriz Mahathir the next Prime Minister.
When Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi refused to help Mukhriz, Mahathir ousted him. Then Najib refused to help Mukhriz in 2009 and 2013, so Mahathir ousted him as well and took over himself.

Mahathir will agree to Muhyiddin as PM8 if Mukhriz is appointed the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister

Mahathir is not sure he can trust Anwar Ibrahim to help Mukhriz so he refuses to allow Anwar to take over as PM8.
Mahathir then plotted with Muhyiddin Yassin that he (Muhyiddin) will take over as PM8 (instead of Anwar) and Mukhriz will be his Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister.
Now it looks like Muhyiddin will not keep his “promise” of making Mukhriz his Deputy Prime Minister cum Finance Minister after all. So Mahathir wants back the post of Prime Minister (and become PM9 after PM4, PM7 and PM7.5).
People, my foot! Read my lips: IT IS ALL ABOUT MUKHRIZ! Tidak pernah saya jumpa manusia sebodoh rakyat Malaysia. Demokrasi konon. Kalau pasal demokrasi sudah lama Anwar jadi perdana menteri (PM5) dan bukan tertunggu-tunggu sebagai Prime Minister-in-waiting sampai mati.

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