Sunday, March 1, 2020


Muhyiddin Yassin just made it with 1 or 2 extra lawmakers to be appointed 8th Prime Minister.

CONGRATS to Muhyiddin Yassin.

Muhyiddin should immediately form a hardworking and capable Cabinet. 

To strengthen the Malaysian economy should be his priority. Most Malaysians are currently facing hardship and the Muhyiddin's government should find ways to reduce prices of household goods and services which will be affordable to the rakyat.

Education system should immediately be revamped so that the students secure knowledge which will help him/her to secure a good job and income. Computer coding should immediately be introduced to Primary One to Primary Six students.

Corruption and cronyism must be wiped out completely.

Unity among the multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious society must be preserved and greater focus must be given while any attempts to disrupt this unity must be dealt with severely and promptly.

Muhyiddin need to strive hard to please the people in order to serve the full term. Political problems must be dealt with in the bud. 

Mahathir lost the 'game' because he was "selfish" and was a "spoil-soup". Many promises were broken and never bothered. Malaysians have lost trust in him and his ability to bring this New Malaysia forward.

Only time will tell. - Mohd. Kamal Abdullah


  1. manada.. and based on his previous track records all the while in government be it before or after GE14 he is useless

    and what he did with the education when he was the minister was even disastrous, and the YTL deal was openly corrupt

    muhyidin ( and thats not even his real name!)
    is a bad leader, cant govern, with no clear ideas on developing the country, talentless

    and to think you kamal abdullah from sabah even to commended this guy to be our leader is so very disappointing

    sabah deserved better

    we need younger better talents, help us

  2. TDM and AI should take a leaf out of Tun Musa Hitam...quit politics and ride gracefully into the sunset. They not only have lost the battle but have lost the war as well.


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