Saturday, February 29, 2020

Syed Saddiq rebels against Bersatu: I won't work with the corrupt

Bersatu's Muar MP Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman has rebelled against his party's attempts to form a new government that will include Umno.
"I became a politician at a time when my country was viewed with disdain by the world and embarrassed by corruption.
"I believed that Malaysians have the right to a better government. One that is free from corruption, respected and with dignity.
"I would like to stress one thing - I will never work with the corrupt. Far from it, I won't form a government with them," Syed Saddiq (photo) said in a video message uploaded on Twitter this morning.

Even though Bersatu has publicly claimed all 36 of its MPs, including new addition from PKR defectors, are now supporting party president Muhyiddin Yassin as the new prime minister, the party is split.
Some MPs are still siding with Bersatu chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is adamant that the party should not work with Umno, the party which has several leaders facing prosecution for grand corruption.
Syed Saddiq conceded that his position may upset certain parties but indicated that he won't budge.
"This is no longer about party or majority, this is about identity and integrity.
"I understand my position will not sit well with certain politicians but politicians come and go, Malaysians are the true masters of this country," he said.
[More to follow] - Mkini


  1. Kesal dahulu pendapatan, kesal kemudian tiada berguna!
    Nasi sudah menjadi bubur!
    Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi!

  2. Boboi Sadiq.
    Letak jawatan dalam BERSATU .tak sehaluan dengan Presiden.
    Nampak sangat kamu duduk bawah payung Madey aje .

  3. Madey will be the 8th PM. He will get his Unity Gomen. Rakyat don't want BN, PAS, DAP dominating PH. No more tie to hopeless cabinet ministers, Anwar transition and manifesto. No more rubbish. FRESH START. Everyone will come around eventually.

  4. Muhyidin 8th.PM.Confirm.
    Boboi Sadiq...U FINISH .KAPUT
    So Sad no pension ....


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