Sunday, March 1, 2020

Chants of 'traitor' outside PKR HQ as leaders aligned to Azmin heckled

There were chaotic scenes outside the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya this afternoon as angry supporters chanted "traitor" at the sight of leaders they deem to be aligned to former party deputy president Azmin Ali, who has defected to Bersatu.
PKR leaders had been summoned to their headquarters for a briefing on the current political turmoil that saw the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan government and the installation of a Perikatan Nasional government led by newly sworn-in Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.
Muhyiddin, who was part of the Harapan government, had led his party Bersatu to join forces with PKR defectors headed by Gombak MP Azmin Ali, BN, PAS and GPS to form the new government.
PKR leaders were meeting inside the headquarters since noon. When the meeting concluded at around 1.30pm and leaders started to leave, the crowd picked their targets.

While Penang PKR's Afif Bahardin, a well-known Azmin ally, was leaving the premises, the crowd swarmed him and chanted "traitor! traitor! traitor!".
Some women PKR members in the crowd had also demanded PKR women chief Haniza Talha and deputy chief Daroyah Alwi, also Azmin's allies, to come out so that they can confront them.
The situation escalated when PKR vice-president Tian Chua (above), another Azmin ally, emerged. They chanted "traitor" and hurled verbal abuse at him.
An angry Tian Chua who was rushed into a vehicle, then came back out to confront those abusing him.
However, someone threw a bottle at him while another hit his head. He was also punched in the face.
Tian Chua eventually got into the car after he was repeatedly urged to do so by those guarding him.
Police were later called in to keep the situation under control. At least one man was arrested.
Tian Chua later downplayed the incident as a "small matter" and maintained that he will remain loyal to PKR.
Anwar later emerged and sought to calm the situation, stating that Azmin's supporters should not be blamed for his actions.
"They (Azmin supporters who did not defect) are still loyal to the party. Some times, whatever devious plan (by leaders) were not known by the supporters, so they become the victims.
"They did not know so we can't blame them. When they come and explain, I have to accept their views," he said.
Muhyiddin was this morning sworn in as the new prime minister.
Harapan has indicated that they may consider a no-confidence vote against Muhyiddin when Parliament convenes on March 9.
Harapan had supported Langkawi MP Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister over Muhyiddin. The two men are on opposite ends even though both are from Bersatu.
Mahathir, who is adamant that Bersatu should not work with Umno as several of its leaders are facing charges of grand corruption, had said he felt betrayed by Muhyiddin.
He said Muhyiddin believed that Bersatu needed to work with Umno if it is to politically survive.
- Mkini

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