Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wild party comes to an abrupt end: Birthday boy and 26 others held for defying MCO

SHAH ALAM: A police team "gate-crashed" a birthday party here, arresting 27 people, including the birthday boy for defying the movement control order (MCO).
The raid also saw the seizure of alcohol and some drugs.
OCPD Asst Comm Baharudin Mat Taib said following a tip-off, a Covid-19 task force team was deployed to an apartment in Section 7 here at around 3.30am on Wednesday (April 29).
"We stormed into the unit and arrested 25 men and two women, aged between 19 and 37.
"Initial investigations showed the group had gathered there to celebrate the 20th birthday of one of the men," he said in a statement.
ACP Baharudin said the case would be investigated under Rule 6(1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Disease, in which no one was allowed to gather for social purposes and Section 269 of the Penal Code for negligently committing an act of spreading an infection.
"During the raid, we also seized three bottles of alcohol and a compressed brick of dried leaves, believed to be ganja, weighing 120.35gm.
"The birthday boy and eight others tested positive for ganja.
"Background checks showed one of the suspects was wanted in connection with a gang robbery in Teluk Intan," he said, adding that all the suspects were remanded for four days to assist in investigations.
ACP Baharudin said police would not hesitate to take stern action against anyone who defies the MCO.
"We will not compromise on this matter as it is very serious.
"The public should not go out without valid reasons," he said. - Star

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