Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fines worth RM205k issued during 10-day festive season price control scheme


Fines worth RM205,000 have been issued by the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP) against errant traders during the 10-day Festive Season Price Control Scheme implemented since May 20 for this year’s Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Kaamatan Festival and Gawai Day celebrations.
Its deputy minister, Rosol Wahid (above) said the compound was issued in 70 cases, mostly for selling controlled items, such as chickens, eggs and vegetables, above the ceiling price.
"Checks were conducted at 22,852 premises, including wholesalers and retailers, nationwide from May 20 until yesterday.
“The number of cases recorded is small and this shows the traders’ compliance and responsibility in carrying their businesses,” he told reporters during a visit to Pasar Payang 2 in Kuala Terengganu today.

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