Saturday, June 27, 2020

Comply with SOPs until vaccine found, says Muhyiddin

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin speaks at the ‘Get-together with the Leader’ programme in Bukit Gambir, Tangkak, Johor, today. (Bernama pic)

TANGKAK: Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin today reminded the public to continue complying with the government’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) as long as Covid-19 has not been fully eradicated and a vaccine found.

He said that with the approach and strategy Malaysian was adopting, the nation was close to a situation that can be described as “nearly as normal”.

“But the fight against Covid-19 is far from over. We are of the view that the issue may not be resolved as long as we have not found the vaccine and the drug,” he said at a “Get-together with the Leader” programme at the Bukit Gambir multi-purpose hall here today.

As such, he said, the SOPs should be practised at all times until the health ministry announced otherwise.

Muhyiddin, who is also the Gambir assemblyman, expressed his appreciation to the frontliners for working tirelessly in the fight against the pandemic, and thanked all Malaysians for practising self-discipline in complying with the SOPs and directives.

“That is why today the world recognises what we have done as a country determined to control the Covid-19 outbreak,” he said, adding that Malaysia had been recognised as among the five nations in the world to have succeeded in controlling the spread of the virus. - FMT

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