Monday, June 22, 2020

Dancing between a rock and a hard place - DAP reissues statement.

Mahathir sedia ganti pakatan kerajaan M'sia dengan seteru lama ...

Deja Vu folks. 
The DAP has re-issued their statement with Amanah. 
Only this time it is Lim Guan Eng signing off. 
The earlier statement was signed off by Anthony Loke.

It does not matter how many times the statements are issued. 

It does NOT change the fact that Brader Anwar can only get 91 MPs on his side.  
(It cannot be 96 MPs because the 96 MPs included Dr Mahathir and his FOUR more anti Anwar MPs). 

So push comes to shove, Brader Anwar can only get 91 MPs.  
And this includes 38 MPs from PKR.  
Are these 38 PKR MPs conclusively behind Brader Anwar? 
Better double check. 

Anyway here is that 'joint-statement'. My comments in blue.

Joint statement by President of Parti Amanah Negara, Mohamad bin Sabu; and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Guan Eng on Monday 22nd June 2020.

We wish to thank PKR for announcing that they have rejected the second option of nominating Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for Prime Minister and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for Deputy Prime Minister, with Tun handing over power to Anwar after 6 months. 

This follows Warisan and Tun rejecting the first option of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister and Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir as Deputy Prime Minister. Both options were proposed during the PH Presidential Council meeting on 30th May 2020.

My comments :  Err I say Guan Eng,  this is NOT what Anthony Loke and Khalid Samad said two days ago. Here is Para 4 from their Media Statement :

4. Setelah berusaha sedaya upaya atau "exhausting all efforts", kita mendapati bahawa opsyen pertama hanya mampu mendapat sokongan *maksima* 96 Ahli Parlimen, iaitu 91 dari Pakatan Harapan (38 PKR, 42 DAP Dan 11 Amanah) dan 5 lagi termasuk Tun dan 4 Ahli Parlimen PPBM yang bersamanya. Usaha terakhir Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mendapatkan sokongan GPS juga tidak berjaya dan tempoh masa yang dipersetujui telahpun tamat dan gagal mendapat sokongan yang mencukupi.

Read this part again very carefully  :

"... opsyen pertama hanya mampu mendapat sokongan *maksima* 96 Ahli Parlimen, iaitu 91 dari Pakatan Harapan (38 PKR, 42 DAP Dan 11 Amanah)    "dan 5 lagi termasuk Tun dan 4 Ahli Parlimen PPBM yang bersamanya."   

My comments :  So Anthony Loke and Khalid Samad have already said in black and white that Dr Mahathir and 4 other PPBM MPs voted for Option 1 which is Brader Anwar shall be PM. 

But now Guan Eng is saying (also in writing) that Dr Mahathir DID NOT support Option 1 :  "This follows Warisan and Tun rejecting the first option of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister  and Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir as Deputy Prime Minister."

Waah ! You mean not only Dr M rejected Brader Anwar but he also rejected his own son Mukhriz as DPM? Sounds too far fetched to me.

But this statement by Guan Eng clearly contradicts what Anthony Loke said just two days ago. Both your statements are in black and white. So which one is which? 

Of course if you pull rank, the party president's statement carries more weight than the party secretary. But if you want the truth - then how? Rank does not count. 

Anyway here is more from Guan Eng :  

We have been consistently supporting Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the Prime Minister of Malaysia since 1998 and will continue to do so. Based on the current political scenario, the only realistic option of success is to combine the strength of all 5 parties of PKR, Amanah and DAP in PH as well as Warisan and Tun’s Bersatu. This political journey has taken 22 years, we can afford to wait another 6 months to see Datuk Seri Anwar installed as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia. The 6 months transition shall be documented in writing, signed by all party leaders and publicly announced.

My comments :  Haiyya Guan Eng - now you are cleverly supporting Dr M as Prime Minister WITHOUT MENTIONING HIS NAME DIRECTLY.  

Our old English teacher at Malacca High School should be impressed by your language skills.   
  • we can afford to wait another 6 months  
  • 6 months transition shall be in writing, signed, publicly announced.

CLEARLY HERE YOU ARE SUPPORTING Dr Mahathir as prime minister - albeit for SIX MONTHS ONLY :
    Why not just tell Anwar Ibrahim point blank :  Support Dr Mahathir as PM.

    However Guan Eng, make sure you get that SIX MONTHS in writing from Dr M. 
    And have you noticed - Dr M has gone quiet about giving it in writing. 
    Better watch out!

    Hello Malaysian Media - go and ask Dr Mahathir lah - "Tun will you give a commitment in writing, in black and white, that you will be PM for SIX MONTHS only?"

    By the way - this "PM for SIX months" is the dumbest idea. 
    Why SIX MONTHS? 
    Why not SEVEN MONTHS? 
    Or NINE MONTHS full pregnancy? 
    Then give birth to another donkey.

    Here is more from Guan Eng and AMANAH :

    Even though Tun Dr Mahathir Warisan and PKR cannot agree with each other, all parties in PH, Warisan and Tun Dr Mahathir’s grouping must try to find a common ground to reclaim the electoral mandate granted by the rakyat in the 2018 general elections. This is a sacred mission to uphold democracy and the value of the millions of Malaysians who voted for a change of government to get rid of a corrupt and kleptocratic administration involving tens of billions of US dollars. Efforts are still ongoing to retrieve back the monies lost, though the dropping of charges of those involved in such financial and monetary losses poses a severe setback.

    My comments :  

    Ok then why did Dr Mahathir go and resign as the prime minister?
    Ok if Dr M becomes PM again, will you cooperate with him more?

    You can see now that DAP's 42 MPs are not worth much compared to one man Tun Dr Mahathir. 

    But tell Tun M - if he U-Tun some more then ALL of you are going to get kicked out in PRU15. 
    In our efforts to respect the rakyat’s electoral mandate for a change of government in the 2018 general elections, there are some who have taken the opportunity to label us as power crazy. We have been criticised for not quickly regaining our rightful government and yet when we find the only realistic route left for success we are criticised as power crazy. This is unfair because while we are not afraid to be in opposition, the rakyat voted for us in 2018 to be in government.

    My comments :  Guan Eng, tell Yeo Bee Yin the Maldive Islands have NOT sunk below the Indian Ocean yet.  All their beach hotels are still there.  Selangor is back to using plastic bags. That turtle with the straw stuck in its nose has married more than FOUR WIVES and has given birth to so many other baby turtles. Tell Yeo Bee Yin to focus on real issues.

    Guan Eng do this instead :

    1. Reduce the import duties, excise taxes, abolish APs etc on motor vehicles. ALL motorised vehicles. Our car prices are insanely high. People are being impoverished. especially Malay people. Our car prices should simple match world market prices. 

    2. Liberalise the banking industry. Bring back the banking and financial system that we had in the 1980s. 

    Both DAP and Amanah have worked strenuously during the last 3 months to find a common ground acceptable to all but unfortunately it has not been successful. We hope that PKR and Tun together with Warisan will not drift further apart but instead continue to move closer together. Seeing each other as rivals instead of allies will not help the rakyat’s cause and only aid those who successfully deposed an elected government with an unelected one. Only when we are all on the same page together can we ensure that PH can reclaim the rakyat’s government.

    My comments :  
    You know, I know, everyone knows that Anwar Ibrahim DOES NOT HAVE MAJORITY SUPPORT.  

    Even if Dr Mahathir disappears tomorrow Anwar will NOT get majority support. 
    The majority does not like him. 
    This is a fact that is NOT going to change.  
    So tell Anwar Ibrahim to back off. 
    Do not waste time.

    PN / BN / UMNO are going to walk through the Chini By Elections. 
    It is going to be a walkover.
    This is the end of the Pakatan Harapan.
    Brader Anwar knows this. 
    He can change the situation overnite. 
    But he will not.

    Further, there should be no transactional deals with principal ringleaders (former PH leaders) who were responsible for deposing an elected PH government and bringing in an unelected PN government. PH voters would never forgive those who betrayed their trust and stolen the rightfully elected government.

    My comments : 

    Then who asked Dr Mahathir to resign as prime minister in the first place? 
    Who forced him to resign?   
    Sudah resign, now he wants to become PM again? 
    What type of irresponsible behaviour is this?

    We salute PH, Warisan and Bersatu leaders bla bla bla 

    As members of PH, we shall continue to bla bla bla 

    The necessity to extend the moratorium of bank loans by an additional 6 months and public anger over the exorbitant rise in electricity bills by Tenaga Nasional Bhd is symptomatic of the PN government’s failure to address the plight of the rakyat suffering from the COVID-19 economic crisis.

    My comments :  

    Extend by another 6 months? 
    The banks will go bankrupt lah.
    This is syiok sendiri lah.
    Why not extend by another 12 months? 
    Go all the way lah.
    Then the bankers can become Grab Food delivery boys.

    Please do not be too ridiculously populist lah.
    The present six months loan moratorium is already a long time. 
    Until October. This is only June. THREE more months left.
    No need to extend another SIX MONTHS yet.
    Lets wait and see.

    We shall also mobilise our party bla bla 

    Mohamad bin Sabu President Amanah
    Lim Guan Eng
    DAP Secretary-General

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