Saturday, June 27, 2020

PAS submits motion of confidence for Muhyiddin


PAS has submitted a motion of confidence for Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to be tabled at the upcoming Parliament sitting, which is scheduled to commence on July 13.
According to its secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan, the move is to express support for a leader who has “prioritised the people” since spearheading the Perikatan Nasional government.
He said PAS is certain that Muhyiddin's leadership would continue to garner the support of Malaysians regardless of race due to the government's excellent service.
Takiyuddin (photo, above) pointed out that Putrajaya's initiatives to regenerate the economy in light of the Covid-19 pandemic have been well accepted by all sectors.
“PAS is confident the motion would obtain the support of the majority of MPs when it is tabled. With this support, it is certain there would be stability in the nation...,” he added.
Muhyiddin, who is also Bersatu president, was sworn in as the eighth prime minister on March 1 following a political coup that led to the downfall of the Pakatan Harapan government a week earlier.
This was after he withdrew Bersatu from Harapan and convinced Umno and PAS to form the PN alliance, which is also backed by Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).
However, the PN government's grip on power is weak due to its wafer-thin majority of three seats while Harapan is working on a counter-coup to reclaim the federal administrative capital.
Harapan and its allies, dubbed Pakatan Harapan Plus, claim to have the numbers and there is speculation that a vote of no-confidence would be tabled against Muhyiddin.
Therefore, the PAS motion of confidence could be a double-edged sword for the prime minister.
If just a handful of PN lawmakers decide not to back him or Harapan, this could pave the way for a snap election.
Impasse in Harapan
Harapan's march to reclaim Putrajaya has been halted due to disagreements over who should be the prime minister candidate.
PKR has insisted that its president Anwar Ibrahim and not former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad should helm the government.
Meanwhile, Warisan president Shafie Apdal's name has cropped up as a potential alternative to Mahathir and Anwar, who have been locking horns for more than two decades.
Last night, Warisan vice-president Junz Wong had commented about a Sabahan being a prime minister in a Facebook post, which also featured an image that read "standing firm with Shafie".
"The aspiration to see a Sabahan - or Sarawakian - leading the country as prime minister one day is not impossible. It can happen if there is strong unity," she wrote.
Warisan deputy president Darell Leiking also made a subtle allusion to this.
"Someone predicted years ago that to correct the Federation of Malaysia, anyone acceptable to the federation and coming from Borneo - Sabah and Sarawak - can equally lead the federation as a PM.
"Why not right? 57 years in the making!" he said. - Mkini

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