Thursday, July 23, 2020

Raveentharan can transfer Zakir Naik's suit to Penang High Court


The High Court here in Kuala Lumpur today allowed an application by former Batu Uban state assemblyperson S Raveentharan to transfer the suit filed against him by independent speaker Zakir Naik to the Penang High Court.
The suit was filed for alleged defamation.
Judicial Commissioner Latifah Mohd Tahar made the decision in chambers in the presence of lawyers Akberdin Abdul Kader and Tharumarajah Thiagarajan, representing Zakir (photo, above) and Raveentharan, respectively.
Raveentharan filed the application on Jan 28.
Akberdin, when met by reporters, said the court allowed Raveentharan’s application because the defendant named in the suit, as well as the witnesses to be called to testify, are all from Penang.
However, he said, his client would appeal against the decision.
Zakir filed the suit against Raveentharan last Dec 12 claiming that the former assemblyperson had uploaded five defamatory statements on Facebook between last Oct 13 and 17.
In the statement of claim, Zakir stated that the five statements were made with malice, hatred, and envy, without first confirming the matter with him.
He claimed that Raveentharan, through the postings, had depicted him as a malicious individual and is a threat to the country’s security, peace, and harmony.
Zakir claimed that the five statements were entirely baseless, not true, fabricated and false, and made to meet the defendants' agenda.
Therefore, he is seeking an order to compel the defendant to remove the defamatory statements from websites, social media, and all related mediums, as well as general, aggravated, exemplary damages and compensation, as well as other relief deemed fit by the court.

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