Sunday, August 2, 2020

KL-Karak highway users advised not to pray on emergency lane

This photo from social media shows Muslims praying on the tarmac on the emergency lane on the KLK Highway.
Motorists using the Kuala Lumpur-Karak Highway (KLK) have been advised not to perform prayers on the emergency lane due to safety factors.
Anih Berhad, the concessionaire of KLK and East Coast Expressway Phase 1 (LPT1) said motorcyclists or other vehicles may not be aware of the presence of individuals on the emergency lane.
“We really appreciate the patience of KLK Highway users and also the obedience of Muslims to perform prayers while on their way to the East Coast during the festive season and public holidays.
“However, as the operator of the KLK Highway, we also request patience and due diligence from road users to not perform prayers on the emergency lane due to safety factors,” it said in a statement today.
Recently, a picture that went viral on social media showed highway users, who were returning to their hometowns for Hari Raya Aidiladha, performing their Subuh (dawn) prayers on the emergency lane at KM32 of the KLK Highway due to traffic congestion.
Meanwhile, Anih Berhad hoped highway users will plan their journey, including stopovers at the Rest and Service areas (R&R) along the LPT1 and KLK on their trip back to the Klang Valley.
This is to prepare for anticipated traffic congestion, the statement added.

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