Monday, September 28, 2020

Hajiji, Bung, PN, BN Not Going To Be Chief Minister of Sabah

 Well simply because it has been TWO DAYS since the Sabah polls were held on 26th September, 2020 and neither Bung nor Hajiji have been sworn in as the Chief Minister.

Imagine if Bung becomes the Chief Minister. Will "F_ _k you" be incorporated in Sabah government letterheads? Just wondering.

I really dont know why the local media has been so lembap in reporting the Sabah election news. Or biased. Yesterday some clown media said the Governor needed more time to decide between Hajiji and Bung!! I say brader both those fellows are from the same party lah. Dont bullshit.

What happens when the local media takes sides, does not tell the true picture or does not even give the simple facts of a story? You lose your readership to the Alternative Media. Thats what happens. When you lose your readers you also lose ad revenue. When you lose ad revenue, then after a few years you will bungkus.

By the way thank you to all the blog readers here again. The blog has gone beyond 77.4 million hits. Yesterday alone there were over 154,000 hits on the blog. It was because of the three Sabah stories. 

What does it mean? It means that the local media do not know how to write and/or deliver the news. Hence the public seeks Alternative Media to get a better idea of what is really going on. Thats how there were 154,000 hits yesterday. It also means that much less advertising revenue for the other local media. 

Well the horse trading is still going on in Sabah. Maybe by today there will be a Chief Minister.  

It appears quite certain that BN and PN candidates cannot be the Chief Minister. That is what the indications are so far. Obviously it is because Shafie Apdal and Warisan hold the single largest bloc of seats in Sabah. 

So cut a deal and move on with it. Talk is PBS is talking to Shafie, despite that denial. People say PN has also been talking to Shafie but with no outcome yet. 

Here is the situation. PBS's 7 seats remaining with BN and PN is obviously a non starter. We know that much.  Cannot go anywhere. Their "38 seats" cannot form the government.

PBS switching their 7 seats to Shafie will immediately end the impasse. PBS can also join the government with Shafie. So why hasnt it happened yet?

I think because Shafie is sipping his coffee very slowly. Shafie can sit back and choose between PBS, PN and BN. One theory suggests PBS, PN and two Bebas will join Shafie to form a super government with 59 seats. BN will be left out in the cold. 

There have been rumours of vote buying in Sabah again. 

Again no details on how much cash, who were the fellows arrested, details of the what, where, when, who, why how? 

Well once again the vote buying has not worked. Obviously RM150 (which is what I heard from somewhere) was not enough money to buy votes in Sabah. Plenty of cash has been handed out in Sabah. Yet it did not work. Money wasted.

Ok here is some advice to those who want to buy votes. The country's population is getting bigger. 32 million people already. Now the 18 year olds can also vote. If you want to buy votes you will simply not have enough cash.

Your stupid policies have created two things : they have made the people poor and they have made the prices of things to skyrocket. So the poorer the people become the more money they will need.

Before it used to be RM50 to buy votes. Today RM50 can buy you jack shit. 

So now we hear that in Sabah RM150 was the "minimum voting wages". Obviously this too did not work. (Because still no Chief Minister ma. None of you can form the government.) 

So politicians, let me advise you - it is much cheaper to make good and honest policies that make the rakyat become richer. Then you politicians will not need more and more cash to buy the votes.

If you politicians keep making these stupid policies then at the next elections you may need to pay RM300 'minimum voting wages' per vote. Especially in the Semenanjung where the cost of living is high.

Ok here is some bergurau saja ok. Joking only.

To all the people who are willing to accept money from the politicians let me provoke your evil thoughts. Next time these clowns offer you RM300 for your vote DONT TAKE IT. That is too little. Ask them for a flat RM1000.  RM1000 for one vote. Otherwise tell the politicians "F_ _k you".

Here are more evil thoughts. Still bergurau only ok. The voters should organise themselves into Persatuan Pengundi. Lets say you can set up a Persatuan Pengundi DUN Kuala Belait. (I am just joking only ah - Kuala Belait is in Brunei. Ampun Tuanku). Say your persatuan pengundi has 5,000 members. Then you can go and meet all the politicians who are running for elections in your kawasan DUN. Tell them straight. Give us RM1000 each and we will deliver to you 5,000 votes. Otherwise 'F_ _ k you'.

The message I am trying to relay to the politicians is buying votes does not work. You must pay the people more and more money. Why? Because your stupid policies make them poorer and poorer. And the population is increasing.

The cheaper and much simpler option is make policies that enrich the people. Make the people richer. Do not make your self rich. Tak boleh.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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