Monday, September 28, 2020

Minister wants Jalan Palestin to replace English road names, not Raja Laut


Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa does not appear happy at the Kuala Lumpur City Hall's (DBKL) decision to rename "Jalan Raja Laut 1" in the city to "Jalan Palestin".

Annuar said he had no objections to having a road named Jalan Palestin but asked why a road named after a historical Malay figure was chosen to be replaced instead of a road with an English name.

"I have no objections to naming a road in Kuala Lumpur as Jalan Palestine as a sign of support for the struggle to free Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

"But I want an explanation on why Jalan Raja Laut was chosen as it is an important name in the history of Malays and KL.

"Why not change the roads with an English name such as Jalan Stonor, Jalan Conlay, Cochrane Road and others," he said.

DBKL falls under Annuar's ministry.

Kuala Lumpur mayor Nor Hisham Ahmad Dahlan said the idea to change the road name was mooted after the World Quds Day gathering which was held at the DBKL Square on May 26 to 31, last year.

“The Federal Territories Ministry had requested to name one road in Kuala Lumpur as Jalan Palestin.

“Renaming the road symbolises Malaysia’s support for the Palestinian people‘s struggle against the oppression and ultimately, forming a Palestine country,” he said in a statement today. - Mkini

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