Monday, September 28, 2020

Sarawak imposes stricter entry rules after Covid-19 spike


Covid-19 tests will be done on those who enter Sarawak via Sabah and Labuan.

KUCHING: Sarawak is to impose 14 days’ home surveillance on Sarawakians, state permanent residents and those holding visa passes entering the state via Sabah and Labuan.

Other Malaysians coming via Sabah and Labuan must take a Covid-19 test three days before entering Sarawak, and they will be allowed only a five-day stay, state disaster management committee chairman Douglas Uggah Embas said.

All intending arrivals must fill in the “Enter Sarawak” form online before entering the state.

“Sarawakians, permanent residents and holders of Sarawak visa passes will be given wristbands upon their arrival in the state. Covid-19 tests will be done after the second and 10th day of their arrival.

“For those who had undergone Covid-19 tests three days before entering Sarawak, a second test will be done after the 10th day of their arrival,” he said.

The costs would be borne by the Sarawak government.

Those whose final destinations are in rural areas (located far away from health clinics which performed Covid-19 tests) would be quarantined at designated centres or hotels.

The state’s action comes in the wake of a recent spike in Covid-19 cases in Sabah and the peninsula.

Uggah said Malaysians from other states who enter Sarawak via Sabah and Labuan must undergo Covid-19 tests three days before entering the state and fill in the “Enter Sarawak” form online.

Those who failed to undergo Covid-19 tests three days before entering Sarawak would not be allowed into the state, he said.

“They will be issued a travel pass for a maximum of five days in the state. They must also attach their return air tickets,” he said. “Consideration can be given to those who enter Sarawak under the essential services category or for work purposes, but this will be subject to the committee’s approval.”

Uggah also said those who are on transit in Sarawak are not allowed to exit from their first point of entry.

“They will be given wristbands to show that they are subjected to 14 days of quarantine upon arriving at their final destinations,” he said.

Those who enter Sarawak from Sabah and Labuan must also declare so in their E-Health Declaration Form, he said.

“Actions will be taken against those who give false declarations under the State Protection of Public Health Ordinance 1999,” he added. - FMT

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