Tuesday, September 1, 2020

What Then Is The Truth Regarding The Qur’an And The Bible?

This is not about the PAS Member of Parliament. We do not wish to defend him because as a politician he has to defend his own actions plus justify what he says. My concern is whether Muslims have been lied to since they were children and that what they were told was a pack of lies.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
I view with concern the controversy regarding what Pasir Puteh Member of Parliament Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh said about the Bible.
My concern is not so much that DAP and the Christians are raising a brouhaha and are turning the whole incident into a political issue — which is quite normal for DAP. My concern is regarding whether what Zawawi said is true or is a lie.

Did MP Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh lie or did Islam lie?

Since we were children we have been taught that the Qur’an is the word of God, revealed to Prophet Muhammad via the angel Gabriel. We were also taught that Islam accepts the “original” Bible as also the word of God, but the Bible that Christians follow today is no longer the word of God as it has been amended or distorted and is no longer “original”. In short, the “original” Bible no longer exists.
Stop any Muslim at random on the street and this is what he or she will say because this was what he or she was taught in school. You will not find a single Muslim who will not repeat this doctrine.
Alongside that, Muslims (at least as far as Malay Muslims are concerned) are taught that they must not only believe in the Qur’an but they must also believe in Prophet Muhammad, the Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), the Sunnah (examples of Prophet Muhammad), the Afterlife, and so on.
The position of the Qur’an versus the Bible is very clear in Islam, as far as what we were taught as children. The Qur’an is the truth, the “current and no longer original Bible that has been amended” is not. And any Muslim who believes in the “fake” Bible would have committed a great sin.
The reason Muslims must not believe in the Bible and must consider it “no longer original and has been amended” is because the Bible regards Jesus as the Son of God and says that Jesus died on the cross and came back to life three days later.

So which one is the real truth then?

This, Muslims have been taught, is a lie. Jesus is NOT the Son of God and Jesus did not die on the cross and came back to life later. Someone else who looked like Jesus died instead. And this is the major “flaw” in the Bible because someone amended the Bible to add this fairy tale.
Yes, Muslims are taught this from a very young age. And this is what 100% of the Muslims have grown up to believe. So, when that PAS MP, Nik Muhammad Zawawi Salleh, said what he said, he just said what 100% of the Malays-Muslims already know and believe. That is like saying water is wet. It is merely stating the obvious.
But now DAP has lodged a police report against Zawawi and accused him of sedition. And the Minister for Religious Affairs who was once the Mufti of the Federal Territory refuses to get involved or say anything.

Islam says the Bible story of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection is fake news

The impression we get is that Zawawi lied or was wrong. Is that so? Were Muslims lied to all these years? Did they lie to Muslims when they said the Qur’an is the true word of God and the Bible is not because it is no longer the “original” Bible and has been amended or doctored to include the part that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died on the cross and then came back to life?
This is not about the PAS Member of Parliament. We do not wish to defend him because as a politician he has to defend his own actions plus justify what he says. My concern is whether Muslims have been lied to since they were children and that what they were told was a pack of lies.
And if the story about the Qur’an being the true word of God and that the Bible is no longer the “original” Bible (because it has been amended or doctored to include the part that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross and then came back to life) is false, what else that Muslims have been taught is also false? What about the story about Muhammad going on a night journey to heaven to receive God’s command to pray five times a day?
Yes, this PAS MP Zawawi controversy opens up a huge smelly can of worms. If Zawawi lied and was wrong about what Muslims have been taught regarding the Bible, then we need to reassess many other “truths” which Muslims have been taught to see  what other lies there are.

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