Friday, October 30, 2020

Govt mulls temporary work permits for undocumented migrants - Muhyiddin


The government is considering to issue temporary work permits to undocumented migrant workers in the country to overcome the shortage of foreign labour in the oil palm and rubber industries, said Muhyiddin Yassin.

The prime minister said the government was seeking ways to solve the problem of foreign workers shortage in these two sectors, especially after Malaysia closed its borders to curb the spread of Covid-19.

The proposal is to give one or two-year work permits, he said at a meet-the-people session with the Chinese community and Chinese NGOs in Pagoh, Johor today.

“Give them a temporary licence or work permit, like what we call an amnesty or legalisation programme. This is what we are mulling over,” he added.

The Pagoh MP was replying to a question from the chairperson of Bukit Pasir Tiong Hua Association, Er Yu Peng, on the government’s efforts to help residents involved in the oil palm sector in Pagoh as they are now facing a shortage of workers due to the pandemic. 


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