Saturday, October 31, 2020

RM3 mil allocated to help low-income groups in Labuan hit by CMCO


Tenants of public housing, owned by Labuan Corporation, will benefit from rental deferment for three months from October to December this year, says FT Minister Annuar Musa.

LABUAN: The Federal Territories ministry has approved an allocation of RM3.01 million to help ease the financial burden of low-income groups in Labuan following the implementation of the conditional movement control order (CMCO).

Federal Territories Minister Annuar Musa said that assistance through the Wilayah Cakna Initiative 4.0 (IWC 4.0), which started in October and which will last until Dec 31, 2020, was also for athletes who are homeless.

“This is due to the government’s concern to help individuals from the B40 and those in need in the Federal Territory of Labuan, including athletes, sports coaches and homeless individuals who have been adversely affected by Covid-19 and CMCO,” he said in a statement to Bernama today.

He said that 772 licensed hawkers and small traders in Labuan were exempted from paying rent for business premises owned by Labuan Corporation. This involved revenue amounting to RM518,055.

“A total of 468 small traders and public market traders, are also exempted from paying for their respective licence renewals from October to December 2020, involving a reduction of revenue of RM25,275 for Labuan Corporation,” he said.

Annuar also said that 617 tenants of public housing owned by Labuan Corporation also benefited from rental deferment for the same period, involving a total amount of RM519,045.

Meanwhile, 108 landowners, involving 85 companies, will enjoy a discount of 30% for the monthly rate for their land lease, with a total reduction in revenue amounting to RM592,380.

“A total of 2,000 students from poor families in Labuan will receive a school exercise book aid voucher worth RM100 as one-off assistance from the Federal Territory Foundation (YWP), involving an allocation of RM200,000.

“These vouchers can be used in their respective school cooperatives for the purchase of exercise books and stationery for next year’s school session,” he said.

The Federal Territory Sports Council (MSWP) will also continue to provide training allowances to 700 athletes and 103 coaches of the Federal Territory Sukma team with an allocation of RM937,515, although no training and sports activities are being implemented during this CMCO period.

An estimated 300 homeless individuals will also be receiving special incentives from the government, he added.

Programmes, including human capital development; industrial training at the Kuala Lumpur homeless transit centre (PTGKL) and semi-skilled job search/matching in the private sector, have also been designed for those who need help and moral support from all parties. - FMT

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