Friday, October 2, 2020

Tok Mat Tunjuk Yellow Card Kepada Zahid


Zahid must guide if UMNO should keep alliances that dont benefit, Tok Mat 

UMNO conceded Sabah chief ministerto Bersatu despite winning most seats 

promises also almost broken

Zahid must give clear direction to UMNO 

if should continue cooperation with political rivals,” he said 

anger among members over how Umno treated in Sabah election

Tok Mat remarks reflect Umno views towards Bersatu and PN 

UMNO and Bersatu maintained hostile alliance

Tok Mat said Sabah could foretell UMNO's fate 

Sabah requires Umno to rethink its political approach

Umno’s survival, influence, visibility threatened 

will ultimately weaken Umno

Umno should cooperate only with PAS and BN 

Umno and Bersatu cold towards one another 

review of Umno’s support for PN could make Muhyiddin vulnerable to Anwar 

My comments :

Keadaan Zahid macam ini. Dia perlu selamatkan tengkok dia dahulu. So UMNO kena tunggu lama juga untuk Bas Kuning  masuk Brown Garden. Sebab Bas Kuning tak masuk Brown Garden dah. 

Tok Mat harus faham UMNO kalah 15 kerusi di Sabah. Daripada 29 kerusi dulu, kali ini UMNO menang 14 saja. Half of UMNO is gone. 

Bicara mahkamah sedang jalan, Presiden tunggu kena kapak.  Timbalan Chief Minister tunggu kena kapak,  Malu lah brader. Semua akan kena kapak.

Tok Mat kena tunjuk red card saja kepada Wak Jahid.  Kick him out. UMNO akan lega. Tak payah tanggung kemaluan besar.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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