Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Bangladesh workers still not allowed to return to Malaysia - Ismail Sabri


Bangladesh workers who are stranded in their country are still not allowed to enter Malaysia, said Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He was responding to the protest in Dhaka by hundreds of workers on Monday seeking help from their government to intervene and resolve the matter so that they can return to work in Malaysia.

"Yes, there was an assurance to discuss the matter," Ismail told a press conference in Putrajaya today.

"However, I would like to explain that it still remains our policy to close our borders to foreigners, except with the approval from the Immigration Department," he said.

"They want to come back to Malaysia, but the approval is not granted," he said.

Moreover, Ismail Sabri said Bangladesh was one of the 23 high-risk Covid-19 countries, according to Malaysia's data.

It was reported that thousands of migrant workers who went back to Bangladesh for their holidays ended up being stranded there for eight months after Malaysia locked down its borders due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

The migrant workers also asked their government to provide them with financial assistance as they had been unemployed for eight months.

Meanwhile, Ismail Sabri also warned that action could be taken against anyone who flouted the work-from-home order which applied to areas placed under a conditional movement control order (MCO).

"Action can be taken against them, be it a compound or other means," he said, responding to a question relating to workshops being held by government agencies and private companies during the conditional MCO period.

Ismail Sabri said he would refer the matter to the Public Services Department director-general Mohd Khairul Adib Abd Rahman to rectify.

"I will also bring up the matter with the International Trade and Industry Ministry," he said.

The work-from-home rule was imposed on about 800,000 private-sector workers and 200,000 civil servants.

Only 10 percent of management and supervisory staff in certain sectors are allowed to enter their offices and this is limited to four hours, three days a week. - Mkini

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