Monday, November 2, 2020

Human rights group: Stop demonising academic discussion on king's role


The National Human Rights Network (JHAM) has expressed regret over what it termed as the demonisation of academic discussion on the role of the monarchy in the Federal Constitution.

JHAM also noted how the University of Malaya Association of New Youth (Umany) has been falsely accused of being a communist organisation attempting to destroy the monarchical system by imitating the pro-democracy movement in Thailand.

“Some even alleged that Umany has disrespected the Yang di-Pertuan Agong's monarchical role and labelled them as a derhaka (act of treason),” it added in a statement.

JHAM was responding to the slew of police reports lodged against Umany over an article which stated that the Agong should “not to interfere in national affairs, to maintain a neutral stance and to play his role within the scope of the Federal Constitution.”

Umany's statement came in the wake of His Majesty rejecting Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin's proposal to implement an emergency and advising all parliamentarians to support the government's Budget 2021 Bill.

Meanwhile, JHAM also criticised University Malaya for condemning Umany's statement and pledging to investigate the matter.

“It is shameful because the eminent higher education institution has once again failed to defend the principle of academic freedom and autonomy,” it added.

Urging the university to stop its investigation, JHAM called on all Malaysians and groups to respect the freedom of expression of university students which is guaranteed under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution and also stipulated in the Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“Fundamental liberty of citizens is a crucial constitutional safeguard that ought not to be suppressed in the name of other democratic institutions, whether it is the cabinet, parliament, judiciary or the monarchy.

“While Agong is the symbol of unity of the country that should be commanded respect, the acts of all democratic institutions including the monarchy must be subjected to academic/public scrutiny and the principles of constitutional monarchy,” it added.

Furthermore, the network pointed out that Umany had discussed the role of the monarch in a rational manner, without any denigrating or insulting remarks towards the monarch.

“They insisted upon the value of democracy, the paramountcy of people’s sovereignty, and articulated the mechanism of check and balance must be defended and preserved in a constitutional monarchy.

“It is in our humble opinion that the higher education institutions should welcome this discussion and instead focus on the content of the said article. We must also appreciate Umany’s contribution to raising some issues concerning the country’s political institutions.

“If Malaysia harbours any intention to achieve a mature democracy and produce a top university respected by the world, siege mentality and knee-jerk action that invites executive power to restrict freedom of expression of civil society must be abandoned and racially-targeted disinformation must be emphatically condemned,” it added. - Mkini

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